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  1. Yep, it does. Thx! P.S. Does Breaking Ground science stuff work in this planet pack? I remember a long time ago i put one of these deployable science modules on Nemesis, and it was giving me very little scince (something like 0.003 per day)
  2. So this meands that my problem is solved? I'm gonna try today, haven't played ksp since last decade)))))
  3. Nah i dont think so. I tried deleting research bodies and went to Guardian using hax. It was looking as bad as wtih RB. And, actually, the moons look weird only when you are close to them (like, 15 kilometres above sea level), and the closer you get to it, the worse it gets. At the surface its Guardian is litteraly just a yellow/grey ball.
  4. Tried to delete some of the mods that affect graphics (Scatterer, EVE, Research Bodies, Distant Object Enchancement), but this didn't help. Maybe some other mods cause the issue? I dunno. here is KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m0ky6g3k249rkw8/KSP.log?dl=0
  5. Ok i installed latest version of CCTP but they still look XTRA bright, maybe there is another solution?
  6. I have an issue with Guardian and Nemesis. It is not something serious, just a visual bug(?) that hurts my eyes. Gurdian looks extra bright when landed on (even though my brightness settings are on standard 0%), and Nemesis's surface is made out of small rectangulars. Solitude lloks normal, I didn't check other planets/moons, but I think they look normal too. Can i fix this somehow? I have a screenshot of Guardian here: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198215431177/screenshot/769481453904768011
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