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Everything posted by clems

  1. It was already in 1.7 I think. My pilot (Valentina) sits in a command seat inside the top 2 donut tanks. What's even better: the decouplers are also hollow. So for weight reasons I used the smallest ones. I think the optimum is at putting a decoupler between every second tank. Actually it might be an interesting task to test or calculate how the ideal tank/decoupler distribution would look like. Might not even be linear. Thanks for the compliment, but I don't believe that. There are a lot of more talented/nerdy designers out there. I try to find out, how to upload a craft-file for anybody interested in the design.
  2. I meant: my solution, which is more traditional than using a kraken drive. Although what I find interesting about my design is the fact that it is using only a single rocket engine. That is located in the top section and the exhaust goes through the donut tanks. So these tanks can be jettisoned one by one when empty while the engine stays. Makes for a pretty efficient multi-stage rocket.
  3. Hm. Works really well. Thanks! So far I have experienced the Kraken only in a destructive way. Thanks for providing this. I guess the core of the drive is the wheel. Funny ;-) Anyway, this is more like using dark magic. So I am looking forward to more traditional engineering solutions, too ;-) My traditional solution looks like this: Looks simple, but took at least 30 hours of testing and optimizing to make it work.
  4. Good point. I have added an extra category for it ;-)
  5. There has been a similar challenge 5 years ago. Since then a lot has changed in KSP. So I start a new challenge for the lightest vehicle that can bring a Kerbal from Eve sea level to stable orbit (> 90 km x 90 km). Stock parts only. A capsule is not required, but stock parts only (usage of extensions like Making History and Breaking Ground is allowed). MechJeb and KOS mods are also allowed. Three categories: 1) without Kerbal Jet Pack usage 2) with Jet Pack usage 3) Open category: including Kraken drives, exploits, infiniglides, worm holes etc. Please provide screenshots of vehicle in Assembly Building, on Eve ground level and critcal mission phases (if that applies). If you have something lighter than mine (7489 kg including Valentina), a craft file and a video is appreciated.
  6. On KSP 1.8.1 I created this 7.5 t thing that launches a single Kerbal from Eve sea level to 100 km orbit. It is from stock parts only, but obviously uses electric motors and propeller blades to ascend to 30+ km before lighting the single rocket engine (aerospike) that uses a somewhat innovative vertical asparagus staging (8 stages with two donut tanks each). It furthermore uses MechJeb as autopilot and KOS for airspeed dependend heli blade pitch control. It does not comply to the rules of this competition because it is a lawn chair design. I like it nevertheless and want to share the concept of it ;-)
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