There has been a similar challenge 5 years ago. Since then a lot has changed in KSP. So I start a new challenge for the lightest vehicle that can bring a Kerbal from Eve sea level to stable orbit (> 90 km x 90 km).
Stock parts only. A capsule is not required, but stock parts only (usage of extensions like Making History and Breaking Ground is allowed).
MechJeb and KOS mods are also allowed.
Three categories:
1) without Kerbal Jet Pack usage
2) with Jet Pack usage
3) Open category: including Kraken drives, exploits, infiniglides, worm holes etc.
Please provide screenshots of vehicle in Assembly Building, on Eve ground level and critcal mission phases (if that applies).
If you have something lighter than mine (7489 kg including Valentina), a craft file and a video is appreciated.