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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'm currently working on a design that gets a 3-man pod into LKO. Having some problem balancing it though with trust too weight too achieve enough Delta-V.
  2. When you manage to reach the mun, ar eyou just going head on or are you achieving an orbit? i find it easier to first set myself in a orbit around mun, about 10km or so, then perform a retrograde burn to remove most of the horizontal speed, then it's just a matter of falling gently while firing rockets towards the gound to slow your descent. But it all depends on the rocket you're using.
  3. Just landed a Airplane on Duna with one Kerbonaut in it, all went well, abit bouncy on the landing due to the lower gravity and all. Now, only one problem, this was a science mission, which means a mission to evaluate the atmosphere (who said Kerbals always do it right? A probe would probably have been better than a manned flight) so the Kernichians only installed a atmospheric turbojet engine, that means one kerbonaut is currently stranded on Duna due to the lack of oxygen in the atmosphere. Rescue mission awaits... screenies from first mission: http://imgur.com/a/zQ3UG#0
  4. Epic! the music i mean. The bridge is also very cool, and very Kerbal too, with the random explodies and whatnot.
  5. I like your criteria, 50m/s on land and in water. that's 180kmh or ~112mph. That's one fast craft.
  6. Challenge accepted. I give you the Swallow light reentry glider with none other than Jebediah Kerman at the rudder. I used my design for a small glider which i use for reentry from orbital spaceplanes, gave it a solid structure underneath, and in true Kerbal spirit, added horrendous amounts of forward momentum. This craft accelerates from 0-200m/s in less than 5 seconds. It leaves the runway and releases the glider at 261.8 m/s. After release the Swallow slowly banks 180 degrees and lands smoothly on the runway again. edit: Crapcake... This craft uses Damned Robotics, for the carriage, i used 2m trusses to attach then engines and landing gear. I reckon that disqualifies this attempt?
  7. Ah, fair enough, back to the drawingboard. Btw, Aerospikes allowed? i noticed your own entry uses one and it's on the leaderboard for distance.
  8. Attempting this challenge. Final velocity: 5731 m/s Final height: 2772 km Someone please help me with the maths because i'm getting 19.something on this, i might be slightly off. at last screenshot i was half a second from burnout, so numbers might have been a tad higher if i went the distance, don't matter.
  9. Herman, Shepney and Billy-Bobfel Kerman just returned from their speedrun. 12:53.3 was the time from lift-off until splash-down in the ocean. Could have done it quicker but i was aiming for high Gs too. Sadly, if the game-engine had allowed it, our brave pilots would have been pancaked when their pod entered Kerbin atmosphere at ~5000 m/s or roughly 18000 km/h.
  10. Not at all. Now i just need to find a way to power this baby even more 8)
  11. Another attempt at this challenge. I\'m gonna add some \'chutes now and see if i can go the full 40km and brake any faster.
  12. Challenge Accepted: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=12649.0 I enter with the X-66 Reya
  13. Fast design Stable design Ground-going design Pick 2 Got one right now that does the run in less than 4 minutes, problem is i end up dead in the side of the mountain when i get close.
  14. Steering, i\'ve got 16 rcs units total, 8 on each side, 4 front, 4 rear. I hammered it all the way at about 120 m/s. My current design does 170m/s but i need to learn when to brake on the way so i dont go airborn and crash. It\'s a very, very unbalanced design.
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