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  1. Hi Nate! Thanks for taking the time to do an AMA. My question is related to colonies. Will colonies be set in pre-planned locations (like how the KSC spawns in the same place on Kerbin every game) or is the hope that players will be able to freely place them anywhere?
  2. Having a series of systems to support mission planning and auto-flying a craft to a destination would be a great boon to new players. In real life, space agencies commit to years of planning before doing any major mission: launches in particular are timed down to the minute. Having a series of systems that help players plan missions to other bodies and automatically fly their crafts there similar to systems that NASA uses to plan out its missions would make it significantly easier for new players to get into the game, and can be shed as players become better.
  3. Does anyone know if Intercept will release the KSP 2 OST? Or at least where I can find it in the game files?
  4. Hey, I'm curious, is this mod compatible with the most recent version of Parallax? I know the modder says to download a specific version, but I'm curious.
  5. The link to SVE's GitHub isn't working and I can't find it on Space Dock. Where else can I download it?
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