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Firsty Kerman

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Everything posted by Firsty Kerman

  1. When I do mono ckan.exe I get an error 1491 [1] WARN CKAN.Curl (null) - Curl environment not pre-initialised, performing non-threadsafe init. 3053 [1] ERROR CKAN.ErrorDialog (null) - Failed to connect to repository. Exception: Access to the path "/home/com/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/CKAN/registry.json" or "/tmp/CdFileMgr/cdd4a9e1-6243-45.json" is denied. help me!!!
  2. Thank You Everyone project is started i will try to send pics later on also i landed on duna and i started lagging except the times where i time warp weir llol has it hapened to anyone?
  3. thanks bro u epic if anyone else has an opinion they can come here and how can i do mod development i thinks its easy heh and last how do i set an icon for my self? use wine on linux instal it and the run kspX64.exe with "wine KSPx64.exe" on the terminal call me on discord for help
  4. thanks bro u epic edit: i started a duna base and i was gonna conect dem parts one by one but i discovered it will be a hard thing to try and connect the parts with engines stuck on them so i ended up with and unmanned part stranded thereand i am currrently goin to duna also u have discord i am mEME MAN#3775 if anyone else has an opinion they can come here and how can i do mod development i thinks its easy heh and last how do i set an icon for my self? thx and are very fast
  5. i need to find a mod that connects docking parts that are away from eachother does anyone know one for ksp 1.7.x
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