I gave the log file in the first message, at least the meaningful part of it, since those Exception and Error messages get repeated over and over. Here is the full log: https://pastebin.com/56gPfvfy. I tested different configurations, between the following mods: EVE, SVE, Scatterer, ModuleManager (necessary to run EVE, SVE and Scatterer all at once...), this is all I have in my GameData folder, and I have no "mod" folder. I encounter different possibilities:
Without Scatterer everything works as expected (regardless what other mods are loaded);
With Scatterer and without ModuleManager, the problem is much less visible: the game completely freezes for a very tiny instant, 2 or 3 times during the animation;
Any other combination with Scatterer and ModuleManager results in what I described in my last message: the game completely freezes for a longer moment, many times during the animation.