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  1. Is there USI kontainers in both? I am not sure if it would work without parts that have the local logistics module.
  2. And why do you expect to be able to do that in the first place? I don’t. I was just answering a simple question.
  3. Hi! I have a basic konstruction rover in Minmus which was not perfect but it was OK for moving things around. After playing somewhere else, the rover looks like to be stuck to the ground: motors give power, but it doesn't move. I have tried tweking the fricton/traction controls withou any result. I had spawned (using GC) a new kostruction rover which has the same issue, but on the runaway they work fine... I have no ideas on what could have caused this... The one thing I did was to update to 1.11.1 from 1.11.0... Does anybody has an idea on what might be the issue?
  4. This is the one thing that I believe that Stock is missing when comparing to KIS/KAS: being able to temporarily connect two different vessels (whitout using the glitchy claw). But I fully support RD's on sticking to stock while also respecting the KIS/KAS legacy as @Murdabenne mentioned. Actualy, I got back to KSP after about one year away just after 1.11 and WOLF release and I didn't even install KIS/KAS. Which is why now I am trying to find out how to assamble USI part on stock... I will keep trying
  5. ty. I have seen that KIS/KAS will be depracated. I was just hoping that there could be already a MM patch or a pre-release including this.
  6. Is there a MM patch or similar to include the 1.11 inventory system on the USI parts?
  7. Does anybody knows how to use node attachment using the new in-situ building system? There are some parts (e.g. docking ports) which have both surface and node attachment and I would like to know if there is a "alt" equivalent for in-situ...
  8. Thanks for the exemple. I was trying to figure out how to attach a docking port by the node just like your exemple. But in my case I could use only the surface attachment. go figure...
  9. I didn’t play that much but MKS looks like much cheaper than WOLF. Making the first life support in WOLF requires a lot and I had the impression that it only looks simpler because the planner is really great. Also, as @Terwin mentioned, there is ZERO flexibility in wolf. another point is, what would be the reason for building a base if you can’t see or play with it?
  10. tbh I don´t know what could be the issue. But I have never used the flow priority which you mentioned and it worked fine. I am just guessing, but maybe you could try put a pilot and a engineer on the Karibou. Or, just not using the black tanks, using only from USI.
  11. By your design you will have to manually transfer the resources. local logistics work automatically by pulling the resource, not pushing. So you need to consume the resource at the destination.
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