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Posts posted by wobartoz

  1. 10 hours ago, DunaManiac said:

    Have you tried uninstalling AnyRes? It hasn't been updated since 1.2.1 and is probably broken.

    It's AnyRes Continued. It's maintained and last updated 2019-10.


    7 hours ago, DeadJohn said:

    I have to restart to get the button working and I can play for many hours before it happens again.

    I had to restart. It has not occurred again since. I'll update if so but otherwise I'd scratch it off as a one-off.

  2. Thank you all for your answers. @5thHorseman's tutorial proved to be very tangible.

    From what I got, I was trying to hard to catch up with a vessel when already being on the exact same orbit. What I get from this is, I should have an arbitrary orbit, elliptical or not but different from my target, and then aim for a rendezvous maneuver. For that, I could math my way out of it but KSP provides very convenient tools to guesstimate it and visually plan the encounter.

    @Zhetaan: Thanks for the math breakdown. I will still look into it for the sake of learning orbital mechanics. It's been a while I had to whip out the TI-83+ for a game.




  3. I am new to the game. In Career mode, I am now trying to orbital rescue missions were I must get close enough to a craft/Kerbal to transfer between the vehicules, and re-enter the atmosphere.

    I know the orbital basics and how to create maneuver nodes. So far I have managed to capture one Kerbin, but luck played a bit part.

    Once I have a stable orbit at approximately the same altitude as the target craft, I don't understand how I can catch up (or get caught up) with it with a range small enough that I can RCS my relative velocity out.

    I can set basic intercepts but by playing around I can mainly only get my closest intercept to ~20km, or waste so much fuel that I am left with none, or I can cross the path but only extremely briefly.

    The orbits are also very close to Kerbin which makes it difficult to distinguish the paths clearly in the Orbital Map view (by zooming to the maximum, I can see paths are made up of straight sections for display).

    I have found this thread about orbital maneuvers: 


    I understand the gist of it, but am mostly still stuck in the very same orbits as my targets, but with a phase angle.

    Additionally I have found this thread, where user Iodestar provided an example of a calculation for adjusting and out of phase orbit, but I am missing important intermediate steps and cannot reproduce the calculations.

    Any help would be appreciated. Stock game, Career mode, some elements of the 90 level tech tree unlocked.

  4. Release 2.0.3 is confirmed to be working with KSP, installed with CKAN by manually selecting the release.


    I have a fresh new install of KSP (just got the game a few days ago). Resolution was constantly changing for unknown reasons and I resorted to this mod, which is an easy workaround.

    Note: Turns out I accidentally installed AnyRes (original, 1.4.1) and it somehow worked fine too.

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