I was wondering if anyone could help me with setting up a SAM turret. This video shows pretty much what I'd like to be able to build. When I try to use the jernas turret on guard mode with AIM-120 missiles, it doesnt appear to rotate and track enemies. I've made sure that the SAM has a working tracking radar, and that the weapon manager is on guard mode. When I do this, I notice the selected weapon usually goes from AIM-120 to "None." If I try to select the AIM-120s again, it will comply for a moment then automatically switch back to "None."
So I tried to copy what he built in this video by a freeze frame, and I did successfully get one missile (AIM-120) to launch. However, this was not with a jernas turret but with a fixed missile rail. I had to fly the plane directly through the fixed target reticule to get one launch, which is not very fun nor combat like.
The opposing plane is set to be on the opposite team through weapon manager, so they should be in combat mode. This method at least works for the anti aircraft guns. Can anyone provide some guidance?