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Everything posted by kafktastic

  1. I haven't logged a github issue, but I will. I just wanted to add that the debug log is saying: "[Log]: [Untitled Space Craft]: ground contact! - error: -0.007m" when I load up the rover and even some of the MKS parts. i would assume that would be on your mods end... but this forum isn't full of people having the same issue as i am, so I really don't know what's causing it. Thanks for taking a look though.
  2. So I did some experimentation with the Rover. I used two configurations of the Rover. A. Was just the front cab. B. was the Front cab, Mobile Processing lab, and the Karibou Wheeled Storage bay. With configuration B I tried parking it near the KSC runway. When I switched to a base on the mun then returned to the space center the crew went MIA and the ship remained where it was. I then hyperedited another B over to another continent to see if proximity to KSC caused issues. But the same thing happened. Finally, I hyperedited the ship into orbit around Kerbin at 100 km. The ship and crew have remained in orbit through multiple hours of play and multiple scene switches. With configuration A I started by orbiting Kerbin. The crew stayed in the ship and the ship was fine. I then moved it near my base on the Mun. When I returned to the Space center the craft fell through the Mun and the Kerbal was KIA Later, I realized I never did a run with A sitting on the runway. So I loaded it on the runway. The craft shook uncontrollably.... this was undeployed and without wheels. I tried deploying but that solved no problems. I then tried situating it facing upwards rather than facing forward. That also solved nothing. Finally I pushed the transparency button so I could see in the cockpit and the shaking instantly stopped. Switched to Mun base then returned to KSC. The crew was MIA and the rover was sitting on the runway. So it seems the problem I'm having has something to do with ground contact. And opaque cockpit seems to intensify the shaking. I'm using the latest build of raster prop mon.
  3. Hey Roverdude, First I would like to say I just started using a bunch of your mods and they are fantastic! B. I;m having an issue with my kerbals going MIA when I take focus away from the Karibou Rover. I've tried reinstalling your mods, and made sure all my mods are up to date but I can't track down the problem. Are there any ways I can track down why they disappear? Edited to add KSP log section. I've run into this problem since installing this mod. It only happens with the Karibou. And it seems to happen every time. The game log tracks from returning to the Space Center from the Karibou. Flying another ship for a few minutes and then returning to Space center.
  4. I was giddy when i read it. Which is weird since my total involvement with this program is playing it. Kudos to ky1e for asking the question and Squad for not making this the entirety of the forum. Because if they had said they were playing my game, it'd be my facebook status update for, i don't know, maybe the next 6 months or so
  5. http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/ybmmh/we_are_engineers_and_scientists_on_the_mars/c5u3j9z
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