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Everything posted by Sabizos

  1. You were right it was the github so i downloaded the other one and still no change, i'm running 8.1 of KSP just as the update said i should here are the images of what the file looks like as well as all my mods(the image url thing wont accept them? do you guys only allow a certain site? i just googled "how to upload image urls" and picked the first page so if u guys require/prefer a certain style plz let me know anyways if anyone can see anything wrong with my setup id appreciate it if you could let me know, thank you for you time. -sab pic 1 https://ibb.co/k08x6p2 pic 2 https://ibb.co/rHgJ9gg pic 3 https://ibb.co/C5r2vRC
  2. hey so i installed this mod (game data where the game data is where u put other mods) but it doesn't show up in the difficulty settings like other mods do, where do i put the "source" file? also i assume the file with ignore in it you ignore right? im sorry if this is ultra noob iv always used ckan but then darn empty nodes are driving my ocd up the wall lol. i assume im just not properly placing this source file
  3. hey so did you gets ever get this on ckan? its been like 3 years [snip], regardless thanks for all your work guys from one noob to a modder
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