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  1. You're just great Angel-125! My problem is solved, no more flipping/flickering of bars in PAW with SNACKS!
  2. I am facing a strange problem. Resource bars in VAB are flipping positions when selected for parts with snacks inside. When I change thrust or fuel amount for Flea booster, you can see in command pod resource bars are flipping, too. I've uninstalled everything, then freshly installed Kerbals from Steam, then installed only Snacks (I just enable death option for career). The problem happens on both manual extracted ZIP and CKAN installation. KSP is the newest actuall (I installed it today), snacks is 1.26. It is not gamebraking, but very annoying. Did anyone else face such a problem? Are you Angel-125 able to reproduce it? EDIT: I've made a sanity check and I replaced snakcs 1.26 with 1.25.2. Now the bars work without any problem!
  3. I was searching for stock commentary after experiments are completed. I enjoy them quite a lot, but I was unable to find any. Are they available in Kerbalism?
  4. I've tried to stick to the topic. I suppose you're right, I'll install/uninstall Ferram depending on what I want to play. Thanks for your welcoming, btw
  5. I'm having problem with loading Scenario scenes. After hitting the start button, the background buttons are becoming active and clickable trough scenario choose dialog. Scenario choose dialog becomes inactive, yet still visible. Training choose dialog works without problem. This is happening for "Dynawing final approach" and "Final Ending" scenarios. Other scenarios are running, but it seems aero drag is broken. In "EVA in Kerbin orbit", after i return to vessel, it is not aerobraking. I am running Ferram using CKAN. I see in commit history a similar issue was solved between Ferram-Aerospace-Research- and Ferram-Aerospace-Research-
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