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Everything posted by Blanket

  1. I was planning to build a colony on minmus with ELP, but my ship on minmus only had rocket parts, so I deleted the USI colonization mod, but kept the USI core parts. That worked, but the craft on minmus was glitched and I could not build anything. So I tried to replace it by spawning in the same craft, and moving the crew over to the one that did not have a glitched toolbar UI. But whenever the replacement craft got within range of the physics range extender, it would swap to it, before completely removing it from my save. It also deleted the kerbals when i tried to move them out of the ship. Since it was sandbox, I just made a new save and managed to get the craft back to where I needed it to be, but after timewarping, the craft would just phase through the ground and blow up, or just blow up. I believe physics range extender was causing the issue, and since I only installed it because BD armory depedned on it, so I uninstalled both of those mods. When I tried to load the the save file again, ALL my craft failed to load, and the parts it said that were missing were STOCK parts. After this I validated my game files on steam. So I tried re installing BD armory and physics range extender, thinking that I would get my ships back and maybe fix the issue. but now, my game just crashed halfway through loading, or when I load the save. I have tried vailidating files on steam, it said 22 files where missing, and that they would be replaced. If the problem was caused by deleting the USI colonization addon, then I'm not sure how, I was not using any parts from it, and I don't have anything that depends on it.
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