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Everything posted by comicsansgreenkirby

  1. Thanks so much for the help. I'll go ahead and update TweakScale to see if it does in fact fix the issue. It worked! I still have some weird exceptions and compiling problems in the background, but I guess I can just turn those off from the Debugging tab in the console. Thanks a lot.
  2. Hi all Ok, so I added KSP Interstellar Extended to my mods. On startup, over half of them were throwing complaints, and then TweakScale came to me with a "Houston, We have a problem" message. I removed a lot of random mods that came with KSPIE including itself, but I'm still having problems... What happens now on startup: A few assembly problems. BDA can't find the foam graphics Cannot find a part with module "(random part that may or may not be from KSPIE)" (something) not compiled correctly *main menu loads* also here's the KSP.log Will continue to play on an isolated save for now. Thanks a lot.
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