While reading the description for the landing skis, it says that it includes sample drills, implying the ability to take surface samples. I went ahead and added the function to take surface samples. If you want, I can send you a copy of the config which includes a surface sample module.
Pretty sure the licence allows this, as long as I give credit.
Or just copy paste this into the cfg file.
name = ModuleScienceExperiment
experimentID = surfaceSample
experimentActionName = #autoLOC_502018 //#autoLOC_502018 = Take Surface Sample
resetActionName = #autoLOC_502049 //#autoLOC_502049 = Discard Data
reviewActionName = #autoLOC_502204 //#autoLOC_502204 = Review Data
useStaging = False
useActionGroups = True
hideUIwhenUnavailable = False
xmitDataScalar = 0.5
dataIsCollectable = True
collectActionName = #autoLOC_238018 //#autoLOC_238018 = Take Data
interactionRange = 1.5
rerunnable = True
usageReqMaskInternal = 1
usageReqMaskExternal = 8