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  1. Since I can't figure out how to put my text before the quote: linuxgurugamer, thanks so much for adopting this and the other half million mods! I als noticed the stage lock problem. I've tried to map it to a joystick button, and also to a keyboard key via AFBW, both don't register in the game. I'll try binding it to other keys/buttons to see if that matters, and if it persists will report it on GitHub. I haven't yet tried to stage via controller through the stage lock. It does sound properly Kerbal.. I imagine a cockpit where the big red 'Stage' button on the left has a safety cover, while the one on the right has a post it saying 'Don't touch, locked'. I too got that error last night with update from CKAN. I'll try a manual install tonight to see if that works.
  2. This is very interesting! Thanks @DrMarcel for making this, I'm trying out the Android app and it works great so far
  3. Do you know which version of Telemachus you have? One thing you could try, if you haven't already, is to remove the Telemachus folder and re-install it. To be sure, check https://github.com/TeleIO/Telemachus-1/releases for the current fork/version. It seems the OP has a few links to the original github page. If you open the page on the PC that runs KSP, does it open the Telemachus page? If so, in the About tab, there are IP addresses. The third one listed (for me at least) is the IP address I use to connect from my tablet. On the tablet, I type that address followed by :8085 in the browser address bar and it works. As Stone Blue mentions, your router or firewall may interfere, but for me they do not.
  4. This one should be permanent: https://discord.gg/xYCrPJh Edit: oops.. had the reply window open too long and didn't see Stone Blue's answer.. my bad.
  5. I'm happy to help Bop and Celes are done, and if I'm looking at it correctly, they were the last ones. The archive folders are uploading to OneDrive now, so you should be able to see them within the hour. After that, I can add the raw folders for the last few planets to OneDrive if needed, but that will take longer to sync due to the amount of files. (131 064 files, ~ 10GB per planet if anyone wondered )
  6. Yes, run the game in borderless window mode. Depending on how you launch the game you can set this. I think there is an option in the launcher, or if you launch via CKAN you can add click in the top menu on Settings -> KSP Commandline and then add -popupwindow to the commands there. Search for KSP popupwindow, there will be better explanations than I can give somewhere out there.
  7. Starting Aden and Amos Update: and finished them. I might as well finish the lot then: starting Bop and Celes, should take about ~ 24 hours.
  8. Prax, Riga and Talos are done. Tam and Tylo are starting now.
  9. How is your internet connection at sea? The few times I was offshore, it was rather limited.. It shouldn't matter for Telemachus, but may effect your ability to use the map tracking component.
  10. Well, not much progress today. Windows update ate my disk space, so KSP stopped with 96% of Riga done.. I'll have to start zoom level 7 again, since I don't think it will skip already processed files.
  11. Laythe and Moho are done. Nara and Pol starting. We're past the halfway mark 16 done, 12 to go. Update: Nara and Pol are done, Prax and Riga starting. Update2: Prax is done. Riga starting again, I made an error with the config. Also starting Talos
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