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Everything posted by Plundration

  1. Well I don't know. I just play Kerbal Space Program... I don't know anything about those bugs.
  2. I asked on the KSP discord about not being able to connect to the ksc, and somebody pointed out that my ksp.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/8swo7hxh93n86ps/KSP.log?dl=0 was stuffed with KSP:IE stuff errors. My mods: https://imgur.com/a/MviaiQZ
  3. I install my mods manually and PhotoSailer was bundled so it must be compatible. I have multiple module managers for the same reason. It may be a problem with OPM, since i can see Sarnus for no reason. EDIT: Im gonna probably drop this mod until there's a fix. It's not a key part in my pack and I just want to play. I've been trying for a week now.
  4. Oh well. Once I launched my first vessel, all of the celestial bodies were discovered and I earned about 1000 science. Is there any other way I could fix this? I have ZeroMiniAVC and deleted all MiniAVC files. Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6zu4v5ogafnbclp/KSP.log?dl=0 I had this problem so many times that i had to install Hyperedit, just to get my satellites back. EDIT: also when i clicked on the observatory my ui disappeared.
  5. So if I install ZeroMiniAVC, then research bodies will work? EDIT: YES IT DOES!!
  6. ResearchBodies doesn't block me from seeing the planets that aren't researched. KSP 1.8.1 Modlist: https://imgur.com/a/rXLJbuo Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6zu4v5ogafnbclp/KSP.log?dl=0 I set the research bodies setting on hard and I even look in persistent.cfg and set to the way I want it, but it still shows me everything. For some reason the log is 131MB? It's probably some loop. I'll be glad to follow up with any other things that you want from me.
  7. https://imgur.com/a/lo20PQh Included above is a screenshot of my modlist and the two problems. The main one is a weird "halo" of "gas" around Moho, and the second one is that Duna's shadow seems too bright. I deduced that the problem may be AVP since it went away when i removed it. What can i do without removing avp?
  8. I'm sorry. I didn't know how to do it. Here is my log. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T4G5MaKlCCCKcig7h3k5QN9foGkVzbXm/view?usp=sharing
  9. ToolbarControl, AVP, B9PartSwitch, BetterTimeWarp, CommNetAntenas and Constelation, CommunityCategoryKit, CommunityResoucePack, DistantObject, Kerbal Engineer, Kopernicus, Planetshine, MechJeb2, NearFuture stuff, PlanetaryBase, Remote Tech, SCANsat, StationPartsExpansion, Trajectories, EVA Footprints. And also trajectories don't work for some reason. Playing on 1.9 I don't see any logs.
  10. When I go back to VAB from failed attempt it switches my gamemode to sandbox from science and i can't quit to menu. Help pls
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