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  1. You should install verison 1.5.1 iCue needs to run and you need to enable the sdk from within iCue allowing other apps to control the lighting
  2. Are you sure you have "Allow games & applications to controll illumination" turned on in G Hub settings?
  3. Sorry about the late reply. The downloaded fiile should be called 'GameData.zip.' Inside of that there is a folder called 'KeyShine'. To install the mod you have to move the 'KeyShine' folder into your Gamedata folder for KSP. The mod should control the keyboard RGB during all scenes of the game. During VAB, SPH, In-Flight scenes the lights change according to what's happening in game and when you're in a scene that has nothing happening. i.e Space Center overview or the main menu the keyboard should display the KSP logo.
  4. It's installed the same way as any other mod. Just download the file and move the contents into your GameData folder. There's a curseforge download link on the thread quoted in the main post. If you could install that and just check if your keyboard changes colours . Also make sure you have cue SDK integration enabled in iCue. Thanks.
  5. What does it store? I can see ActionGroupList.groups stores if each group is toggled or not but what does ActionGroupList.groupStates store? There's an array of lists with 17 bools but I can't get them to change by activating the actiongroups. The documentation does't help at all.
  6. Is it possible to get the number of overheating parts? Also the amount each part is overheating? I've looked through the possible variables and classes but none seem to be what I'm looking for. PartThermalData seems like the right class but I can't get the right variable from it.
  7. Still looking for any testers with a Corsair keyboard. Corsair compatibility is still under development and I don't have a Corsair keyboard to test if it works.
  8. V1.5.1 Bugfix Released! removed a line of code that spammed the console fixed incorrect file structure
  9. Version 1.5 Released! Now the altimeter (F1-F8) changes depending on if your altimeter is set to ground altitude or sea altitude. A small patch for Corsair compatibility (still not fully functional). Note: Since this update, Logitech users will no longer need to create a KSP profile in LGHub, it will take over all profiles that have SDK integration enabled.
  10. That's another feature to work on then. Anyway thanks for helping!
  11. Thanks for testing it! LGHub is only needed when using a logitech keyboard. Could you try with ckb-next on? Also does ckb-next have an sdk option anywhere?
  12. Possibly yes, although I'm not sure if this mod will work on linux. Could you install https://github.com/NiamiTV/KeyShine/releases/tag/V1.4.2.1A and see if the lighting on your keyboard changes?
  13. This is the official development thread for KeyShine. This thread will only serve the purpose of discussing current progress and suggestions, all official releases will only be on release thread linked above. Currently looking for testers with a Corsair keyboard Suggestions are also welcome, this mod is driven by what you want! This work is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation - https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
  14. I have continued work on KeyShine to add corsair compatibility. Would someone following this thread with a corsair keyboard like to test it? I don't have a corsair keyboard
  15. Version 1.4.1 Released! Small structure change in archive NOTE: No new features, if you have V1.4 you do not need to update
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