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Abel Military Services started following Velctor
KaguraMirai started following Velctor
Thanks for your link!
Thank you for your reply. What I don't understand is... for example: when generate a quad(or a grid mesh) of the terrain, we hope the vertex position of it is relative to camera(or floating origin or anywhere around camera), get the heightmap texture value to offset the vertices. but...the result is a flat terrain quad with heightmap offset, it can't be a part of a sphere. if we want to "bend" it to become a part of sphere, we have to compute the position relative to planet center. and we got the floating point error. I don't know how to resolve this problem.
Velctor started following Developer Insights #12 – Planet Tech
I have a question about this technique. I think procedure of generating mesh of quad sphere is: 1.generate mesh for a cube(or a quad part of it). 2. normalize it's vertex position. 3.vertex position multiply by sphere radius. While generating the vertex for terrain, the vertex position is relative to floating origin, but before that, the vertex position is relative to celestial body center during generation(like step2 normalization), so the floating point precision problem is still there. If the celestial body is the Earth, error of surface vertex position is around 0.25m(0.5ULP of fp32 at Earth radius). If the view perspection is a human standing on ground, the error will be very obvious. I think the solution of this problem is using fp64 during the generation of vertex position, calculate the relative position of vertex and floating origin, and convert the relative position to fp32 format, then the error is gone. But mesh generator of KSP2 is Compute Shader. The fp64 performance of most desktop GPU is very weak (e.g. 1/32 of fp32 FLOPS on GTX1080), so my solution is not suit for GPU. I wonder how did you resolve this problem. Thanks!
AtomicTech started following Velctor
Yes, we will add them in the future. But maybe they will be add in KSP2 edition of this mod. I'm not sure what you mean by "heavy launch vehicle for human lunar mission", maybe Artemis and SLS will go to the moon earlier, but they won't be part of this mod. China's heavy launch vehicle for manned lunar mission is Long March 9, but it has no definite design yet. We will add it after the definite design.
These are just some model-only(cannot behavior physically) mod for this video, and it's not released public. It might be released with this part pack in the future(depent on if we have enough spare time). Yes, these will be added in the future(the model of 2F is already compeleted). It's uncertain that we make them in the order they appear.
Sorry, but we don't have enough time to make the mod compatible with so much situations. We are already exhausted to compatible with RO/Stock at sandbox mode(even did not thought about fund cost, research point, tech tree position, etc). Maybe these will be improved in the future, but these are not in the current planning.
qaz123asdsdd started following Velctor
Velctor changed their profile photo
Kerwis Team Presents This mod aims to bring all of the Chinese spacecraft and launch vehicles from the past half-century to the near future into the game. V1.1: Added the heaviest launch vehicle of China up to now - LongMarch-5. It has two configurations, the basic type for deep space launch(e.g. Tianwen-1 Mars probe and rover) and the LM-5B for LEO payload(e.g. Tiangong space station construction). These are some of the uses of the LongMarch-5(The Jupiter-Uranus mission KSP simulation video used this mod): V1.0.4: Added LongMarch-2/2C/2D V1.0-1.0.3: Added China's earliest orbital rocket, Long March - 1(长征一号, Changzheng) and first satellite Dongfanghong - 1 (东方红一号, The East is Red) into the game. The rocket has three stages, the first stage uses a YF-2 engine (a 4 YF-1 cluster), and the second stage uses a YF-3 engine(a high-altitude variant of YF-1), which controls attitude using gas rudders. The third stage uses a solid fuel engine FG-02 with an observation skirt (according to our research, it may actually be an expandable gasbag). The satellite is capable of broadcast a piece of music named "Dongfanghong" on the radio, to prove China's ability of space launching. Screenshots: Recommended: RealPlume (for better plume) Waterfall (for better liquid engine plume) Stock Waterfall Effects (for better liquid engine plume inside nozzle) Rocket physics data is compatible with Realism Overhaul Frequently Asked Question: Download: SpaceDock Also available via CKAN. Despite the version number being greater than 1.0, this mod is still working in progress. More parts and features will be added in later versions. License: Kerwis Chinese Aerospace Pack is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Source Code: Github
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