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Everything posted by John.A

  1. I REALLY want multiplayer to happen and tons of people on my side here really want to play together by having races and doing different things at the same time to make the work go faster. But ya time warp is a big problem... Maybe the first person to connect or something can time warp when they want giving players a yes or no question if they want time warp. If all yes then time warp, if no, no time warp if they take too long to answer it will count as a yes and you can do the rest. Can there be a chat in the game for multiplayer? Then if you connect from far away and you can't talk you can chat with the other player? Thank you and can't wait for KSP 2 to come out!
  2. Ya, if one person wants to really tests it, everyone will want to "test" it. Just saying me and my friends think the nav ball should be in the middle not the bottom left... just saying...
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