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Everything posted by greenfox24

  1. My theory is the rocket or the kerbal are coming to a planet and are sending a message to the planet about who they are (like the Arecibo message). We can see that the rocket is from the kerbol system by the line that from the kerbol system to the rocket (point out by shadowzone from his new video). And the planet they sending the message to is earth. Think about the kerbils are sending a message to us, saying they are coming to our planet. Look at the planet at the bottom is huge compared to kerbin. And earth would be huge to kerbin because isn’t earth like the size of jool. So the kerbils are trying to tell us that they are coming to earth(aka the release of ksp 2) and are sending a message to earth about them self(like the Arecibo message again) before they arrive.
  2. I have idea about the letters from the video are, they could be roman numerals not all of them are that but C D and I are all roman numerals and mean C=100 d= 500 I= 1. I don't know what the numbers suppose to respent like plants or other stuff. but I think it means how many parts there are going to be in the game think about it, we seen Two C and 3 D which is equal to 1700 all ready and could be more.
  3. Also I fogot to add this to the post, With captions are on in the video, it say "possibility when the "produced by" come on seen And point out by starcaptain in the video ending sounds seems to be some encoded audio
  4. I found some stuff in the new video, firstly with it open the video on my computer, I see the video is broken in to chapters. Each chapters has a different name, it goes in order 1th "Opening-Scott Manley" from 0:00 to 1:36 2th "The importance of approachility" From 1:36 to 3:20 3th. "Ksp 1 vs. Ksp 2" from 3:20 to 3:51 4th "Procedural wings" from 3:51 to 4:30 5th "VAB UX improvements" from 4:30 to 5:53 6th "Tutorials are your new best friend" from 5:53 to 9:05 7th "Outro" from 9:05 to 9:49 8th And finale "Something more?" From 9:49 to 10:37 Now more in to "Something more" It is very wierd, first it starts out with by saying "Produced by" with no name see below then it start glitching and shows what looks like zoomed in on some letter first it looks like C and E then after it shows a C again and what looks like a I or a D then what looks Like a D or a O and a U then it shows finale a green D and what looks like a I after that we cut what looks to be a office or house, there is a open game of ksp with a rocket going up though kerbin atmosphere, also there is a person in the back round getting something out of a fridge I don't know what any fo this means but if I had to take a luckly guess it some secret we have to find. so If anyone has some Idea what this is or anymore infomation reply to this topic.
  5. does anyone know when it coming to enhanced edition because I know that more updated are coming to console.
  6. all wish for is a great game (also mods for enhanced edition)
  7. I think alien plants and microscopic life will be cool and fun to do science on.
  8. how many post most be made before your able to edit your profile
  9. my kerbals last about 20 min before something goes wrong( still thinking how to save Jeb from the mun) *insert thinking noises*
  10. new to the forum, not to Kerbal space program. One thing how to you change your account picture (aka that picture to the right)
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