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  1. You're amazing. Thank you for doing this while Blackrack is away. The flickering of the craft was fixed, but it seemed to still be happening on the buildings in the back. However, after I (exploded and then) reloaded, it somehow seemed to stop! Either way, thank you!!!
  2. Sorry, how does one go about disabling Scatterer shadows? I know one can open the Scatterer menu with Alt+F10, but I cannot find an option for shadows... As for how it looks for me right now without KS3P (which was causing the previous dark look and weird shadows around the craft), the only issue now is this flickering (both on the craft itself with its shadows, it seems, and in the background there). EDIT: Never mind, option is only visible when in the KSC.
  3. Thank you so so so much for this! I'm having some graphical glitches, it seems, however... As you can see, the shadows around the vessel look weird... Everything also looks particularly dark... The sky/water, however, look amazing! Shadows are also jumpy... I'm in 1.9.1 and using TU, AVP, EVE, DistantObject, EngineLightRelit, KopernicusExpansion, KS3P, PlanetShine, RealPlume, SmokeScreen, SunflaresOfMaar, and TR.
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