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isaac armstrong

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Everything posted by isaac armstrong

  1. there should be more scenarios when your flying in space. like if a kerbal got sick you should have the option to keep going or not. or if a small meteorite or a computer glitch damages your ship you should find a way to fix it. i would like to hear what you guys think.
  2. granted and thats all you get i wish that no one but me gets wishes
  3. i like space cowboys wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more better then sandra bullock screaming for like an hour
  4. has any of you guys watched the news about this its sad all those people dying tell me abut what you guys think.
  5. granted but then my little horse is created i wish that you hadn't stole'd my name and that my name or my wish or anything bad that would endanger my life would not happen you mad?
  6. ............PART 2............ Jeb's face shield started to crack to the fast compression of the time portal the anti matter containers chamber girders started to weaken Jeb's rcs back pack fuel containers were at 10 percent for the first time in his life [or what he thought] he didn't know what to do. 4 DAYS EARLIER Jeb went to his Kamaro and drove off toward ksc wondering where Bill and Bob were he thought they said that they had to meet with some sort of science dude or something like that [Jeb was never good with names and dates] Jeb laughed when he thought about the first time he had met Bill and Bob. 10 YEARS EARLIER Jeb had a choice he either went on a date with julie or go to ksc and sign up for ksp space astronaut training program he didn't know what to do so he decided to flip a koin heads mean't he would go with julie,tail's meant he would go to ksc he grabbed the koin flipped but just when he was going to grab the koin somebody yelled. ???: HEY JERBAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeb: GAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![Jeb fumbles for the koin but ends up failing and loses it] ???:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A DOPE YOU SHOULD BE THE CLASS CLOWN!!! Jeb turned around to see his rival. TO BE CONTINUED Please leave comment if you liked the story special thanks to Gregrox Mun for fixing my first story "stay explodey"
  7. thx GregroxMun for fixing that for me!
  8. ............Part 1 ............ Parts of the time portal started to break up Jeb was holding on to the antimatter container as his only hope for survival Bill and Bob were gone the time portal was breaking apart into different time paradoxes the air was thin his space suit couldn't handle the pressure the only thing Jeb thought before he blacked out was "how the heck did i get here again" 4 DAYS EARLIER Jeb was enjoying his day on the beach it was a nice summer day and his life couldn't get any better after being the first man on the mun everyone loved him he wondered when there was a time when nobody did like him. 10 YEARS EARLIER Jeb was nothing but a water boy for his local football team he had no friends no girlfriend no car no popularity everyone actually called him "jerbaldiah kerman" you might wonder "how in the world did this guy get popular or even make it to the kerbal space program?" TO BE CONTINUED so guys how did you like this first part of my story sorry if it was short ill make a longer part next time please leave a comment if you liked my story and say if i should do better "stay explodey"
  9. ive been wondering how to do fuel transfers ive docked with my spacestation but i cant figure it out do any of you guys know?
  10. sorry that the post was bland ill make the next one better like i said the camera was broken [the f1 button] but i got it fixed and also jeb is not allowed to use the camera.
  11. mission report: sent sattelite into kerbin orbit. mission rating : SUCCESSFUL comments: after breaking atmosphere a strange anomaly was detected more instensive investigation shall be done. ps.. reason for no pictures was because just before takeoff bob was playing catch with the camera with jeb [dont ask]
  12. i was just wondering what they would look like put them here let me see your creations!!!
  13. my name is isaac armstrong im sort of a rookie but i intend to be the best astronaut ever! just like neil armstrong
  14. instead of having massive multiplayer why not have online co op rooms. that way the only one who would have control of the time warp would be the captain. and also it would be fun to be a passenger or fly around carrying your friends like that. what do you think.
  15. hello my name is isaac armstrong i guess in honor of neil armstrong ill do the best i can to help the community
  16. can you please make me a shuttle i got a space station but i need 1 shuttle thank you
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