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Everything posted by TiaguX84

  1. Hi I have a contract to take 5 passengers in sub-orbit but I'm not getting it. I have 3 modules to carry a maximum of 6 passengers I built a rocket but it takes a long time to get off the ground because it is too heavy, I tried to add more rockets but it exceeds 30 pieces and now I ran out of ideas, what do you guys recommend?
  2. http://prntscr.com/ruqfpb that link has the image of the option I'm talking about, in option 3 sorry I was unable to add the image in the post, I tried several ways and it doesn't work, so I left the link. I don't understand what the RCS option is, what does it do? it's the only thing I don't know about navball.
  3. ... your tips were very important to be able to finish these contracts after making some equal contracts this is now easy for me the most difficult right now, I have to orbit kerbin and travel to Mun and I can't, the videos that exist on youtube they are in english a language that i cannot understand very well, i searched but i cannot find a video or a tutorial (written) in the language i understand, the ideal for me would be a tutorial or "written" tips to later select this tutorial and translate it on google translator, the videos are already more difficult to understand because it is spoken and not "written", I will continue to research but I do not have high hopes of finding what I want, any way, thank you very much for the tips you guys gave me were very important.
  4. I've already completed 5 missions but now I have another mission that I can't complete because I don't understand, I've done several tests and I'm not understanding the mission well, the mission is: Test swivel fuel engine LV-T 45 in a sub-orbital path over kerbin and I have to reach a height between 150,000 to 160,000 well, I know how to fly in sub-orbital and I managed to get to that height that is necessary for the mission, I installed this engine in my rocket, I completed all the tasks in that mission but when the rocket reaches the maximum height and starts to descend when down the 150,000 meters a part of the mission is disabled because the test must be done between 150,000 and 160,000, I don't understand this mission, I even installed two swivel LV-T 45 engines, one to take the rocket up to 150,000 and then use the second engine at that time, but the mission is still not complete, does anyone know how to do this mission?
  5. ok i will try, thanks for answering my question.
  6. Hi everyone, I'm new here on the forum, I bought Kerbal SP and the dlc´s for some time but only in the last few days I started to pay more attention to the game, I find the game very difficult but I´m trying to learn so I´m here to let a doubt I have I love the game I find it addictive. I'm playing in career mode and I'm on a mission that I can't complete, the mission is to measure temperatures in flight below 17,700 meters near the P-PS sector. I don't have all the parts to build a plane, will it be possible to complete this mission with a rocket? If so what parts do you recommend to build the rocket. I do not know how to speak English and I translated this message on google translator I hope you understand my doubt, thanks.
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