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Everything posted by Raiden94

  1. Did you manage to look into this issue? I've tried on my own to look through the log, but i don't see any errors related to either PCR or RT, but i'm also not sure how to interpret the log file... Thanks
  2. Hi @JonnyOThan, Yes, i tried now with a new instance of KSP with just PCR and RT (along with dependencies), and i still have the same issue, i don't have control of the probe from the control room. When i say i don't have control i mean i can't even do the first stage from the button/switch (but if i press space it works) Here is the link for the new log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yt-ppEi76j1ucxinvI11tjWa00ASqbyC/view?usp=sharing Thank very much for the help and pacience
  3. Hey @JonnyOThan, here is the link for the new log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PppwBodVoWv1VhWvJdV1b90FVp8CgsBt/view?usp=sharing So this time i believe i removed every mod that last compatible version below 1.8 like you said, contract mods and all, and i still have the same issue with RT.
  4. Yes the log i sent you had several mods that were not up to date, but since then i updated as many as i could and still have the same issue. Now the only mods i have that are below 1.8 compatible are contract pack mods (the only exception is airplane parts), and i had read somewhere that sometimes the mods show as incompatible just because the .version file isn't updated. So on those mods i added them, everything seem to work and decided to keep them. Do you think even those could cause this issue with RT? Thanks
  5. I already had, here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OnS3-nJIteYAQbEi6qBtN52w34xFxJoB/view?usp=drive_link Now it's a bit out of date, since i updated some mods, don't know if that matters
  6. Hey @JonnyOThan do you have any idea why i have the incompatibility with RT and PCR? Thanks! The buggy letters were fixed updating mods to the latest version, so the only issue i still have it that...
  7. Ok so the problem with switching seats was indeed the V key not being bound, it's weird that it worked on plane IVA's though... The other 2 issues still persist though, so your help your be appreciated. I checked and even in stock PCR i can't operate the displays if RemoteTech is enabled. Anyway thanks for the help so far
  8. Hey thanks a lot for the quick reply! I can't be sure what causes the text to be like that, sometimes i launch a craft and there's no problem, sometimes it's like that, and even if i go to map view and back to PCR that happens. Of course, here it is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OnS3-nJIteYAQbEi6qBtN52w34xFxJoB/view?usp=drive_link I was also going to send a .txt with the modlist, then realised that info is part of the log. Yes the V key is still bound, and it works just fine on aircrafts IVA for example.
  9. Hi, I've been playing with this mod for a few days not, but i keep fighting some problems, and have been looking around for fixes and don't seem to find any help I'm using a ton of mods, but the most relevant for the issues i'm having might be FreeIVA, Through the Eyes of a Kerbal, KerbTrack, Reviva, DE_IVAExtension, Old school NASA-style Probe Control Room IVA and RemoteTech (if i should provide full modlist let me know) So the problems: 1 - Sometimes the text of the action groups and a few other knobs gets jumbled up like in the image: 2 - I can't switch seats, tried the V key, Alt-V, double click on the kerbal, nothing works 3 - Is this mod incompatible with RemoteTech? I can't control probes with the knobs and switches if i have RT installed (it shows the staging locked and the onlock button and staging doesn't work, only if i also install Probe Control Enabler which kinda defeats the purpose of RT), and i already tried without RT and then it works, but is there a way to keep both mods active? Thanks ahead for the help!
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