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  1. Because 99.999% of mods for 1.8+ are safe. This path puts the burden on the user if something breaks because they were appropriately warned. Setting compatible versions in CKAN is something you only ever need to do once per KSP install. Yes it’s often a stumbling block for new CKAN users but that’s hardly a reason to avoid it entirely. Manually installing mods often leads to incorrect installations or installing older versions of bundled dependencies. Anyway all of this is off topic for this thread.
  2. That’s the mod author’s responsibility. CKAN does not make assumptions about what is compatible against the mod author’s own statements. Can you imagine the madness that would ensue otherwise? Nearly every mod for 1.8+ does actually work in 1.12.5, so enabling extended compatibility settings on CKAN is the right move there. And it’s far less error prone than manual installs. Any time you report an issue you should include your KSP.log file.
  3. You can with some MM editing and using the RPM JSISetInternalCameraFOV internal module. But the next version of RPM will include a patch that increases the pitch bounds in all stock cockpits because this is a pretty common problem.
  4. There is a customizable sign prop in ASET, but it's not in a lot of parts. I think it's in the 6-way station hub? With some MM patching you could set the doors to hide when open, or even open by default when connected if that's what you're after.
  5. KSP community fixes already completely replaces the asset loading loop. Just use that.
  6. Same way you do for parts, but the layer mask should be set to 16 & 20, and the light itself should be on layer 16.
  7. This sounds like you didn't install the SSPX IVA pack, or didn't install it correctly.
  8. You need a trigger collider on layer 16 and give it a HandRail internal module with the collider name. Or use one of the existing props since you're already using NF Props.
  9. Some of the cockpits have an orange portable radio, there's a button on there that will request recovery.
  10. When you do this, the game uses the first crew hatch defined in the part. Try hovering the mouse over other hatches on the part to see if you can EVA from somewhere else.
  11. Oh huh. Seems like it’s `NoHelmetSize` but there isn’t a value already in the cfg. Default is 0.2.
  12. Can you be specific about HOW you're trying to go EVA? The game has several different code paths (and then there's also FreeIva which is yet another). Oh...is there a reason you're using the older legacy cockpit? The newer OPT K has hatches on the roof (plus very nice freeIVA support), and the Ouelette and TAV have them on the underside (though they reuse the IVA from the K cockpit).
  13. I'm not sure if that's an oversight, but you could check out https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/201354-112x-ksp-part-volumes/
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