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Everything posted by JonnyOThan

  1. Some of the cockpits have an orange portable radio, there's a button on there that will request recovery.
  2. When you do this, the game uses the first crew hatch defined in the part. Try hovering the mouse over other hatches on the part to see if you can EVA from somewhere else.
  3. Oh huh. Seems like it’s `NoHelmetSize` but there isn’t a value already in the cfg. Default is 0.2.
  4. Can you be specific about HOW you're trying to go EVA? The game has several different code paths (and then there's also FreeIva which is yet another). Oh...is there a reason you're using the older legacy cockpit? The newer OPT K has hatches on the roof (plus very nice freeIVA support), and the Ouelette and TAV have them on the underside (though they reuse the IVA from the K cockpit).
  5. I'm not sure if that's an oversight, but you could check out https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/201354-112x-ksp-part-volumes/
  6. These fields are available in the internalseat: [KSPField] public Vector3 kerbalEyeOffset = Vector3.zero; [KSPField] public Vector3 kerbalScale = Vector3.one; [KSPField] public Vector3 kerbalOffset = Vector3.zero; I've never actually tried kerbalScale but that might be what you want. But it will only apply while the kerbal is seated...you can also change the configs in FreeIva to change their standing height, etc.
  7. I've sent a PR with FreeIva support to the SSAUCE author; you can wait for a release or just grab these files (you don't need the .blend file): https://github.com/LilBread402/SSAUCE/commit/7d6ce028ee794fca5d72ffff91a0281dee881ace
  8. I mean...I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. It'e been on my list for over a year at this point. If you really want it, I'd suggest learning how to make it yourself.
  9. Perhaps I misunderstood the original question then, I assumed "editor" was referring to the Unity Editor but maybe it means something different in BFA.
  10. PartTools in the Unity editor can't load DDS files AFAIK. Are your textures PNG or DDS? You can use imagemagick to convert them (just make sure to also flip vertically).
  11. DE_IVA doesn’t have a IVA for BDB…are you thinking of KSA?
  12. You're using deferred rendering. Folders and files in GameData: zzz_Deferred
  13. Wait, this is weird. This commit says that it added libmpg123-0.dll to KSP_Data for Linux/OSX. But it appears that the file is exactly the same as the one in KSP_x64_Data - which is a windows-native DLL. I suspect if you replace that with a linux version from here then it might work. @linuxgurugamer Does this sound reasonable? https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SoundtrackEditorForked/issues/7
  14. Not yet, but I’ve filed an issue on GitHub so I’ll make sure to take a look next time I’m working on PCR.
  15. Sorry for the thread necro, but someone just linked to this post. Rather than changing CKAN's compatibility settings, you should click on the mod you want and then click on the versions tab on the right. You can check the box to install it there without blanket-allowing all older mods (which is sure to cause issues). Some recent updates to scatterer broke some older sunflare mods. They're not really incompatible, just the structure of the cfg files changed a bit. If an older version works, it's probably fine to use.
  16. MM has no concept of what mod something came from. If all the parts in that mod have something in common (model path, author, naming pattern, etc) then you can use that to filter. Use something like @PART:HAS[!MODEL:HAS[#model[ModFolder/*]]] If there’s no common thing you can use, then one way to do this would be to add a custom key/value to all the parts you don’t want to affect and then apply your patch to things that don’t have that key.
  17. If it's mainly centrifuge parts, this is a known issue with FreeIva and JSI Advanced Transparent pods. I'd suggest removing the latter.
  18. It's on my list, but man it's a long list... https://github.com/FirstPersonKSP/KSA-IVA-Upgrade/issues/12
  19. And of course, it’s never that simple: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/TweakScale/issues/53#issuecomment-2264325643 The good news is that this will fix a whole class of problems, but it’s not trivial.
  20. Good question, let's see... KopernicusSolarPanel derives from ModuleDeployableSolarPanel, so that should already be covered. ModuleCurvedSolarPanel does not, but there is an existing set of exponents for it (targeting TotalEnergyRate) KopernicusSolarPanelCurved also does not, and is missing a set of exponents (looks like TotalEnergyRate should also work)
  21. Wow good catch. I removed this patch without realizing that it’s the only thing that actually changed the output. https://github.com/JonnyOThan/TweakScale/commit/7e54309580caa27dc4ae0bf311496d02d25bdde6
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