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    Hilversum, the Netherlands

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  1. I see people struggling with the standard-config file, as it is a bit hard to find. Isn't it possible to add it in the download, with a file for MM that checks if there are any other planetary mods installed? I have no idea, I'm just getting started with altering a config file here and there (=p), but it came to mind
  2. In CKAN, the version-compatability hasn't been updated yet. Still need to try the mod anyway (seems like something I could use, I hope it does something for my poor laptop with a baking hot i7 and 8 gigs ddr4), but since I didn't find any problems with it in this thread, I thought, let's give it a mention =]
  3. @R-T-B Can you also put a link to your EVE-build in the OP? I was looking for it, and found it on this thread, but it is gone from the OP since blackrack's release =O Or should I revert to WazWaz's 1.8-version now? Here the link for easyness: https://github.com/R-T-B/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases
  4. @R-T-B I'm sorry for the late response, and I hope if it's still actual, but I have made a raw gameplay-video on YouTube, with timestamps (down in the video description especially for you) in it where the glitching appears. It took a while for me finding out how I could manage to do it, but now I could react faster, in this way. One thing that caught my attention is that the surface glitching only seems to appear when close to other controllable objects, at least in this video… No idea if it could have anything to do with it, but still, I hope it could help. https://youtu.be/gUatBE8q3FU
  5. I mean exactly that!! But really? That's baad, real baad. Hope they'll fix it soon, it's horrible!! Honestly, it wouldn't have come up to me this bug could be stock, if not for your reply… Thanks for the info!!
  6. Does 'Terrain shadows in Scatterer are currently very badly behaved/partially broken.' mean this flickering terrain when landed on a body from space or is that something else? It's gone for a while when hitting F5 > F9 but will come back when taking off, until a certain altitude is reached. If pleased I could upload a video or log file, let me know. RTB's EVE and Scatterer builds are the only environmental visual mods I have installed on 1.9.1. Other visual or 'drawing' mods (which may or may not be relevant) are RealPlume, Engine Lighting Relit, Trajectories, KER and Restock+. I'm using Windows 10 with a GTX 960m. Thanks for all of the efforts, without these mods KSP seems incomplete!! Excuse me for the double-like post, the first one disappeared unnotified right after an edit.
  7. When landing on the Mun or back on Kerbin (probably other body's too), the terrain textures are flickering very badly. After hitting F5 > F9 it's gone for a while but will come back when taking off until reaching a certain altitude (at least on the Mun). It doesn't seem to impact overall performance. Is this a known issue or do you want me to upload a log file and/or video where it shows? I'm using the current version of KSP with both R-T-B-builds of EVE and Scatterer, I only didn't get to the far last build yet from a few hours ago (so forgive me if this already has been fixed, but I didn't see it in the changelog). Awesome work, a big thanks for the efforts!! P.S.: Other graphical mods are RealPlume, Engine Lighting Relit and Restock+ (not sure if relevant), GTX 960m on Windows 10
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