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Everything posted by Romfarer

  1. After a week of trial and error i finally got Orbit 13 into orbit!!! The craft suffers from some TWR issues but has dreamy aerodynamics and light weight construction to compensate.
  2. I had a little breakthrough on Orbit 13. I managed to get the total weight down even further and got the max speed up to 2382ms, just 23ms less than the recorded top speed of Orbit 14. Apparently those 23 ms makes all the difference because i wasn\'t able to get Orbit 13 to a orbit with periapsis higher than 15km. I have attached the craft files for Orbit 14 and 15.
  3. @Lanfiex i\'m sorry but i am reluctant to share my craft files before i have made certain that orbit 13 is not going to make it to orbit. But at least you figured out part of the mechanics at work here. And really, 'shaking the tail' is the tricky part. I spend many many hours 'tuning' the craft to do just that.
  4. Romfarer


    Hello, my name is Romfarer. I am an addict! ;D I spent the whole last week increasing the efficiency of my crafts...
  5. I am working on Orbit 14. I have to figure out how to squeeze another 5% (i hope) thrust out of my craft to do it. But i am almost certain it is possible.
  6. I see your 16 SRB rocket and raise you 15 SRB\'s! Behold, Orbit 15!
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