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Everything posted by Kazkar

  1. Great! Now, guys: would some of you, who hasn't voted yet, add KOS to your vote? I already have voted before, and there seems to be no option to edit my answer. It's a terrifying thought, that this wonderful mod would have one point less, just because I was too lazy to create a new account and fix the situation.
  2. You seem to have KOS missing - for me it's the second (after KAC) most important mod. As for the need to select one answer from each group, maybe you could add to each group an option: "none from this group"?
  3. I'm playing almost exclusively career, seemingly sharing a lot of good reasons given by @Bingleberry. I like the challenges of getting into orbit, or to the moons, with the most basic components. I like the challenges of building a cost-effective rockets, so that the problem-solving rule "MOAR BOOSTERS!" is not always applicable, because of money shortage. Sometimes it's even: "Hmm.. Shall I add this one more strut, or will it fly without it?" By the way, the career can unwittingly create some very interesting challenges. For example: "Gene, we already have about ten useless satellites around Kerbin, and Mortimer has just signed a contract to launch yet another one. Can we do something about it?" - "Hmmm.. How about we deploy some Grand Slam Seismo units on Mun, and then crash all these satellites there?" I feel like the career mode gives all my Kerbals a reason to exist. It gives them life. However, when I was showing KSP to my nephew, I have started a science-mode game, to show him how you can make progress, and to let him feel the joy of "Yay! See how great engines we do have now!", but without him feeling the frustration of "Blasted! I cannot afford that."
  4. Woho! That's something! I'm designing a Minmus lander right now. None of my Kerbals have been there yet. And welcome here, Stosh!
  5. Oops... Then my struts won't help much. But I see the centre of mass being quite low. Maybe if something heavy would go higher, then it would help? Sorry for the noise.
  6. Short version: MOAR STRUTS !!! Long version: You have high towers made of small fuel tanks. They tend to be very wobbly indeed. You might try swapping some of the small FL-T200 tanks to some large FL-T800. You may add some struts. For example lead them from the tops of the side boosters to the main booster column. This might help. I also suspect that with these struts you may no longer need so many reaction wheels.
  7. As much as I understood from the Wiki (https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/USI-LS/wiki/Recycler-Math) it is almost right. The most powerful recycler determines the maximum percentage (for example, 79%), and covers as many Kerbals as it can. Additional weaker recyclers cover more Kerbals at their own capacity (for example 50%). Once you have covered all the Kerbals, then adding even more recyclers (even the weakest ones) keep increasing the recycling ratio up to the ratio of the most powerful recycler. By adding more weaker recyclers, you will at some point achieve the maximum ratio for the whole crew. As for the 0.5 being 50%, I believe that you are right here.
  8. Just a random thought, sorry if it's a stupid suggestion. A first guess is that maybe you are turning too much? What would happen if you would keep SAS to "surface prograde" instead (once you get some speed, and after doing a very minimal push to the desired ascent direction), to minimize the aero drag forces? That's what I'm sometimes doing with very heavy and not particularly aerodynamic rockets. It makes it sligthly difficult to control the heading, though.
  9. What I did? Nothing. But Jeb took a day off, boarded the first (and so far the only) aeroplane designed in our KSP, and headed for a morning walk on the Overshoot Island. After raising a flag to honour the ones before him, he was in so pensive mood, that he forgot to turn the camera on, when he landed the plane back at KSC. This time he even landed without any explosions, and precisely on that dusty path, which some dare to call a "runway". For me it was a clear proof that he crashes only when he wishes to.
  10. KAC. And for quite a long time it was the only mod I was using. It was absolutely critical, in order to let us launch more flights while the first was still doing its Minmus transfer. After all, you cannot just lock your people at homes for days, telling them to come back to work when... wait.. no. Forget it.
  11. I assume @arthur106, that you meant a question about a kOS script, which you develop, is that correct? In that case, I have a feeling, that a subforum of the abovementioned one may be more suitable: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/104-general-mod-development-help-and-support/ - there is a sticky post, which mentions scripts as a suitable content. And herzlich willkommen! (Kein Deutsche, aber ich mag die Sprache. )
  12. No worries - he didn't do EVA neither. To celebrate that, we have to wait almost a year As for me, a special recruit has just joined my program:
  13. The original question has been asked almost a year ago, but I believe that it is a very good question, and also a question that many people are still asking themselves. Just as I was. Quite recently, actually. I had the feeling that the amount of the contents in the DLCs was slightly too small to justify the price tag. That was also the prevailing opinion in the majority of the critical reviews, which I have read. So, I made a decision based on something different. The guys have given me a few years worth of fun. Not only the past years, but - because they designed the program so that I can just simply make a backup, and as long as there will be any electronic machine capable of running it, - I may also be able to enjoy it in some grim post-apocaliptic future. And I have paid them for it only once. So, I concluded that even if the contents would not be worth roughly an equivalent of two beers on Oktoberfest (you know - those, which they call "ein Mass", and they are 1 liter each), then the guys deserve something also for what they have done in the past. And as much as I can predict the future, there is a big chance that they will keep improving it. And I'm glad that I got them (the DLCs, I mean). It is not a charity. Even if some parts still look a little rough (like the UI of the missions conditions - if I remember it well. I have tried the missions only once), now I have a feeling that there was some serious work put into deeper mechanisms. It's not unusual for the programmer to conclude the result of a few weeks/months of work: "Hey guys, there was some serious work there. The expected result is that there are no visible changes." And I love the new parts - I have a deep sentiment to the Soviet space program, and so far I was able (without mods, I mean) replicate mostly just Sputnik. Now, for example, I have the Vostok/Voskhod (and the description "Many little Kerbals inside this one. Couldn't fit more." made me laugh. So historically true.) The deployable science is also nice. With that "Ground Slam Seismometer" I finally have some use for all these old satellites, launched for contracts, and rendering my map view barely usable. Crash them into Mun, not only for fun, but also for profit! Yay!
  14. Tomorrow - 12th of April - will pass 59 years since Yuri Gagarin's first manned flight, and his famous words: "Aaaand here we gooo..." (let me claim it to be a very rough translation of his - very Kerbal in spirit - "Поoехали!") What ideas do you have to celebrate this day?
  15. There is a nice YouTube series: "Kerbal Space Programming" (https://youtu.be/fNlAME5eU3o) from CheersKevin (I am sure he is somewhere on this forum). It's a little old, (and I would definitely discuss some tiny bits of the coding techniques), but it's a great concept, and a wonderful tutorial-like adventure. I've stumbled upon this series by accident, and then I dusted out my own kOS scripts folder, and... Here I am. I have actually. But I have a feeling that now everything is more stable. Like - the rovers won't suddenly start jumping around because of some strange forces in the wheels... However, I have a Mun Lab station (on the Mun, obviously), parked on a slope. Trying to be nice to Jedvan and Gledard, I retract the uphill-side landing legs, to level the floor. It happened a few times, that coming back I saw the downhill-side legs retracted instead. I'm not sure whether the guys are doing some weird experiments, or what? (I'm almost sure that they have no equipment to refine booze.. hydrazine. But who really knows them scientists?) So, I guess that there is still some area for adventures, isn't it?
  16. Hello there! A short introduction. I'm.. well... me. Years ago I was playing KSP a lot, crashed many crafts on Mun and Minmus (there were more Kerbals on the Mun than in the KSC), suffered pains of new KSP versions changing some significant parameters (e.g. when I found out that I really, really should have added a heat shield to that older-version craft returning from some very long mission). Now, after checking whether that out-of-Kerbin life may or may not be a little overrated, I'm back, and enjoying again the trills of trying to find that *perfect* ascent profile algorithm in kOS, and building a huge orbital station, which would not wobble frantically whenever one of the crew sneezes inside. And... I just wanted to say "Hi!". Hi!
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