Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i7-7820X | GPU: NVIDIA 1080 | RAM: 32GB, 3000MHz
I was launching a rocket for a mission to the Mun or Minmus (I hadn't decided on the final location yet) and the moment I went over the boundary from Kerbin's atmosphere into space, it exploded.
Mission Time: 3:31:18
Highest Altitude: 69,974m
Highest Speed Over Land: 0 m/s
Highest Speed Overall: 855 m/s
Ground Distance Covered: 6m
Total Distance Travelled: 41km
Highest G-Force Experienced: 3.2G
Apoapsis: ~100,000m
Periapsis: ~10,000m
I was using the second stage engine to gently push my apoapsis up to 100km before I hit space. Once I got close to that goal I throttled down to 0 and waited until the intersect point, after which I was going to set a manoeuvre node and circularise. As I came up to the Karman Line I didn't notice any significant issues or performance drops, it all just happened instantly.
I love the work you're all doing, and I understand that you're still in early access. If it were easy everyone would do it. Take your time and do it right. Thank you!