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Everything posted by Remtech

  1. Hi guys, I'm trying to weld some parts but the variants where an issues. I manage to delete the variants by deleting this part of the .cfg file before welding: "VARIANT { name = Orange displayName = #autoLOC_8007123 themeName = Orange primaryColor = #f49841 secondaryColor = #4c4f47 TEXTURE { mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/rockomax_16 [AlbedoM] O _BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/rockomax_16 [Normal]O } }" It kind of work for many parts. The thing is it made me want to change the default variant. And that is still a big issue for me.
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