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Everything posted by O5-7

  1. Challenge accepted. Might take awhile though! And you don't know how many Kerbals I accidentally spaghettified.....
  2. I'm not sure what I should do in KSP even with the new update... Any ideas? (All ideas matter... Even ramming comets into things)
  3. No, use them to try to send ike into interstellar space.
  4. You should replace the basic fins with canards to make up for no engine gimbal. If you still have control issues on the other 3 stage variant, you should instead have a swivel engine on the middle stage. Of course you could always add a rediculous amount of reaction wheels, but that would be impractical since the craft has only 1.25 TWR. If you are short on money you could just do 'more boosters' and use a swivel for main engine with four canards. Believe me I used to have this problem all the time when I first started: once the rocket starts to tilt and can't recover it's all over. I hope that this helps with your issue!
  5. Thanks for all the advice! I am redesigning the rocket from the ground up. I promise that the lander will only be 10-15 tons this time ! I will use a stock propeller for the asent and then dart engine for circularization, escape, and deorbit into kerbin!
  6. Hello this is my first KSP forums post. I have been having trouble lifting off on Eve for my career mode project. I've tried a few things like making my craft more aerodynamic, but it still has difficulties in Eve's thick atmosphere. I am using a Rhino engine on my craft, and the lander has a mass of around 47 tons in total. What do I do?!?
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