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  1. Thanks for looking into it Tonka. I installed Zero MiniAVC and couldn't figure out how to remove just the patch from KAS from Tweakscale, so I just uninstalled tweak entirely. Still no dice.
  2. The last link should have been the log file from the instructions (KSP.log). I turned on verbose logging and obtained a new log file (as shown in the instruction link). For the record, I did try to use the components on a vehicle only utilizing stock parts and still had the issue. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XSo8RCwhhKnNvgmkcx-sbwsMWjmEkqjn/view?usp=sharing
  3. No problem, the quick response is appreciated. For the record, I'm having the same issues connecting with the HW-80 and W-50, along with the RTS. Joints and tow bars will connect. The PCB and CH-1 also work fine. Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12-RkJS_0hKIwuUynAgG_x7CbKlP2xj5C/view?usp=sharing Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h68NKj8h1BXaMQKmt2PjsRF7lSoYWk9_/view?usp=sharing
  4. I'm having the same issues with the transfer station. When I click on the transfer station to grab the connector, nothing happens. I just get a text notification to drop the connector with the Y key (pressing the Y key does nothing). Also no options to connect when trying to connect it to a JS1. If I try to grab the connector again from the RTS, I get an error beep. Mod was installed with CKAN and has all required additional mods. Any ideas?
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