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Everything posted by najaB76

  1. Has anyone else experienced an issue similar to this: I have a lander on a sub-orbital trajectory around Minmus. I want to add two manoeuvre nodes, the first one is prograde to raise the periapsis and set up a docking approach to the capsule, the second is anti-normal to lower the inclination. I can add the first node without any problem, but when I add the second node it is only editable for aboua second, then it locks and I cannot edit or delete it. It's the same behaviour as if a probe doesn't have a Kerbnet link back to KSC. But (a) this is a manned probe, and (b) I have 100% signal. The odd thing is that I can't bring up the pause menu or switch out of map mode, but I can interact with Kerbal Engineer, view the info panels, etc. I've had the same thing happen four times in a row so I doubt it's a fluke. Screen recording saved here: http://www.untestedtheory.co.uk/recordings/2020-05-17%2018-18-44.mkv
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