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Dr. Monty

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Everything posted by Dr. Monty

  1. Hi all, I've been having a strange glitch on Minmus. While orbiting, I jump to a random position in the orbit every time I exit non-physics time warp. Even going to 5x acceleration for <1 second could make me jump to the other side of Minmus. It seems that it might be related to an incorrect position of Minmus (but whether this is cause or effect I don't know), as I noticed on the map screen that Minmus is no longer on its orbit curve, but somehow closer to Kerbin than it should be. I'm running CKAN on 1.9.1 with most of the Near Future mods, as well as EVE, alarm clock, and [x] science. The weird thing is that this glitch so far only appeared on Minmus, and it seems to reoccur randomly, but is not continuously present (or at least to a significantly lower degree). Kerbin, the Mun, Eve, Gilly, etc. haven't shown this glitch yet. Has anyone experienced something similar, and/or knows how to solve this problem? I also see some flickering on the surface of Minmus, so I suspected it might be something to do with EVE. I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling EVE, but that did not seem to resolve the issue. I could uninstall EVE altogether, but I don't want to lose my clouds and city lights. And please no "try uninstalling and reinstalling all of KSP" answers. I'd rather keep that as a last resort. Thanks in advance!
  2. Thanks, I managed to find my first question mark! It turns out the field of view was indeed exceptionally small when standing on the ground. When I took off vertically from the surface, the question mark appeared. For some reason, the location seemed to get more accurate as I got higher though. And it also seems the field of view does not update correctly, as I got a larger change in the terrain scale when I closed and reopened the kerbnet map than when I just clicked 'refresh'. Also, the field of view doesn't seem to be 10 degrees at all, but more like half of that... In any case, I appreciate your reply. In conclusion: it seems land-based rovers are useless in detecting anomalies, so I'll just go send a couple of high-altitude rovemate satellites.
  3. Hi all, I've started playing Kerbal recently (well, I suppose I already logged 242 hours according to Steam...), but I still haven't been able to find a single anomaly. I've looked around the forums and I can't figure out what's wrong. I've just moved a rover with a RoveMate (which should have a 100% anomaly detection rate) under the Mun arch, but it still doesn't show up on the Kerbnet scanner. I'd upload a screenshot, but I seem to be able to only insert an image from URL, so you'll have to take my word for it... Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks! Dr. Monty
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