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  1. I did delite it ingame. And I am GOG player, so it might be diffirent form steam one, which most players use. Is there any video tutorials? And also, how to avoid doing that generaly. I don't want to mess up with files? Is it possible to make independent save (not quicksave). I saw someone talking about it on Reddit.
  2. Thanks for welcoming!
  3. Hello. So, I quicksaved game and used task manager to shut down game as it takes less time and I was in hurry. When today I came to play KSP again, I pressed "load saved" option and in red text it said that I can't open game. I know if you leave game "normaly" it says "are you sure? Game will be saved" or something like that. Now, in rage I delited whole save, which I regret as there might be chance to save game via files. But I won't do it again. But... My PC doesn't run KSP well. It will "not respond", screen will go white literaly when I enter VAB. But game generaly does run well. I have decent FPS. So, what if one of those regular "not respondings" realy kills my game? How to avoid it killing my save? Is there way to save game (like quicksave but on main menu, like multiple, independent games?
  4. I have another theory. Minmus have been mined by aliens. Flats are realy "flat" with not a single meter of diffirence in height. It seems industrial to me. Entire Minmus was "hilly" before they came and mined it. And also, wiki says: When a seismic scan is run by the Double-C Seismic Accelerometer on the surface, it says that due to vibrations, the planet may not be entirely solid, meaning that there is most likely a subsurface ocean under the crust of Minmus. Maybie it isn't subsurface ocean, but deep-mined hollow core. Best minerals are deep inside!
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