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  1. I reported it to DemonEin, he said it's an RPM issue and I should tell MOARdV. So that's why I got the name wrong. Issue is still an issue though. I put the github issue into the correct repo now.
  2. @MOARdV Could you please acknowledge the issue (if you can't fix it immediately)? Or is this dead? The last github commit was a 18 months ago. Added a github issue here.
  3. I have a problem with the text rendering on Ubuntu. I have already posted the issue here but @MOARdV said it's related to the text renderer in RPM and to contact you. The issue is that fonts on lit appear as white boxes. If you zoom in you can sorta make out the label, but I think it's the texture of unlit indicators shining through. I'm using the CKAN version of RPM and ASET. I'm running a potato (laptop) so the graphics settings are as low as I can make them. Per pixel lighting is 1, otherwise even the unlit indicator textures become unreadable. Log is available here. I started, loaded a game, and went straight into a capsule and IVA. Then I clicked the cockpit lights on and off a few times before closing the game. It looks like this with DE_IVAExtention: Edit: I also noticed that external light will mess it all up. When the sun shines onto the text it becomes the same blocky, unreadable mess.
  4. I'm getting a weird visual glitch/bug in that the font seems to be missing. I put it into github issues here. I will copy and paste the text here for reference and to have it searchable in the forums. I'm using DemonEin's IVA pack. I get graphical glitches on linux. Mostly the font becomes large, white blocks on all of the displays which are not the RPM MFDs. The unlit indicators look fine, but when they light up, the font becomes garbage. Most of the other indicators are unreadable. I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and am using ASET from CKAN and the latest KSP from steam (1.9.1) - RPM from CKAN v0.31.3 - ASET Prop Pack from CKAN v1.5 - Click Through Blocker from Git v0.1.9.5 - Toolbar Controller 1.8.0- from git (whatever that means) - Module manager from ckan v4.1.3 - A bunch of unrelated stuff When I turn on the lights it gets worse. I'd much appreciate a solution or fix. I'm moving this from https://github.com/DemonEin/DE_IVAExtension/issues/1#issue-623623693 because I figured it's probably an ASET problem.
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