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  1. That is amazing visibility. I thought Phoenix at the outside but the skyline looked more like terrain around Vegas. Albuquerque clicks. Amazing
  2. Ackshully, the keel being in the water would provide any modest excess cooling needed. And may even prevent getting iced in when anchored in arctic waters
  3. Good assumption. Well not sarcasm, humor, or an attempt at it. Though on further thinking an RTG as on the Pioneers would be nice. No steam generator required. Again, humor
  4. The odds were never in the asteroid’s favor. Probably good to use these opportunities to consider what we could and would do about it if it was a problem
  5. That would be a KSP strut on a Starship if the theory is correct. I’m filing it as a solid “maybe”
  6. On the other hand, many sailboats have enough lead in the keel to shield a tiny nuclear reactor. 500W versions should be legal. Nice base load
  7. Yep. I was thrilled that I was going to be off that day. Then they moved it to a day that I need to be on site. Bleah ITAR gray area
  8. Who said anything about public funds? I’m talking about ppl doing it themselves; no one giving them anything. The more closely one examines the robustness of any centralized system one realizes the degree it is robust is highly related to the fact it isn’t as centralized as it first appeared.
  9. So…people having more options isn’t a good thing?
  10. Excellent, I hope you all have a great time. I wasn’t meaning to be condescending, just a sincere and friendly caution having seen some taken aback. On another note, the Riverwalk in San Antonio, if you get the chance and haven’t been there, is very unique with a lot of restaurant choices if it fits your travels or maybe on another trip.
  11. TX is a very big state and Brownsville is way down in a corner so plan accordingly if you aren’t specifically moving near there. The distance from Dallas to Boca Chica is about the same as Norfolk, Virginia to Cape Canaveral in Florida
  12. Um, sort of, but not officially? I advise stocking up on popcorn
  13. Any where in tornado alley, the gulf or East coast hurricane zones, New England and upper Midwest harsh winters bring down many power lines. During hurricanes they often bring the power down intentionally to mitigate problems. We were without power for 3 weeks at one time. Gasoline genset kept freezer and fridge going and charging cell phones. House solar with a powerwall would have been nice
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