Much thanks to LGG for yet another excellent mod, plus community here supporting all our space races! Just wondering if anyone else has found duplicated science, from using Collect All feature for Science Alert in KSP 1.9 & 1.10?
Know it's calling stock command from PAW for science storage parts - seen Collect All in the mod, create identical copies in each part the science is passed through (listing in log top-left), storing these multiples copies in a final science storage part.
Not noticed it before, but since KSP 1.9 have spotted this - first with 650 copies of science stored in a Bigby Workshop, assuming due to (lots of) mods conflicting or corruption. But also with very few mods (just other Science like Kraken & dMagic, US2 plus utility / quality of life like KAC & Engineer) when helping brother with his first Kerbin Station, which also had 7 Science storage parts inserting the same number of identical copies into an MPL (just repeated identical steps again a day later, after checking everything's up-to-date).
Before pulling logs & files from his install (or using a single part's PAW to Collect All instead), thought best check if I've overlooked something when playing - plus searching around and reading this thread!