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  1. HI, love this really great work! To everyone who makes us the KSP Mod consumers extremely happy! Just one question KSP 1.9.1 you know where the make Kerban look a bit better..this mod doesn't change the stock improvements on any of the planets right? thanks in advance. aaand the clouds around kerban are 8k right?
  2. Hi, love the mod and appreciate the work, seems like im losing sound on some of my rockets with this mod installed like my sounding rockets and a few stock rockets, any idea why maybe? Thanks Edit: Jip just tested with Realplume installed i lose sound on a few rocket engines in this case i tested Sounding rockets from USI. Edit: After further testing it seems like if you reduce the thrust of the SRBs to below 50% there is no sound.... will keep testing. this is not hte case fir the small rockets for USI sounding they just dont work at all with Realplume
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