There seems to be an issue with this + Real Scale Boosters + B9switch + Cryotanks: The DeltaIV 5 meter second stage - which by default has a dry weight of ~ 3000kg - now has a weight of 900kg. This is the same for all RSB tanks, which makes RSB exceedingly powerful. I've tried to add a patch that goes like:
SMURFFExclude = true
@description ^= :(.)$:$0\nDESMURFED
And it does not fix the weight issue. (The description tag is applied however).
Nor does adding:
@mass = #$initialmass$
@description ^= :(.)$:$0\nDESMURFED4.2
etc fix it; It logs 'Cannot find key origmass in PART'.
This does not work either (it can't find 'origmass').
%origmass = #$mass$
@description ^= :(.)$:$0\nDESMURFED4.1
@mass = #$origmass$
@description ^= :(.)$:$0\nDESMURFED4.2
Removing SMURFF or removing Cryotanks does fix the issue, but I would rather not.
Also, commenting out this in SMURFF.cfg fixes the issue, for LFO at least;
// @tankMass /= #$@SMURFFCONFIG/lfofactor$
I'm hoping there's a way to patch the b9 tankmass to the original value for - and ONLY - all RSB tanks, but my module manager foo is lacking.