So screwing around in sandbox mode, I've had a good time with the SURGE engine/reactor - flying around on Kerbin for awhile, then deciding that instead of beefing up my intakes I'm gonna get into the stratosphere by screwing around with an alcubierre drive, then ultimately ditching the craft far from any planets in the kerbol system to prevent kessler syndrome after realizing I had no way to deorbit it.
It's a nice, reliable engine as long as you have an atmosphere to stand in for the remass you definitely aren't carrying enough of, and a worthy powerplant if you don't.
What confuses me more is the SAGE engine - what sort of humungous machine are you meant to install that on, to get even the slightest utility out of its absurd pushing power without overgeeing your antimatter storage (especially since you need two of them in order to guarantee symmetry, since it doesn't snap to nodes at all)? Plus, you know, the whole thing to do with how it's an antimatter powered jet engine, an inherently scary concept.