I have a few Kerbals trapped on a space station in low Kerbal orbit. My guess is that it’s a mod conflict. I get bored with the stock game, so I modded my game to make it more exciting.
Anyway, I digress, this is just small science station with two main parts, a command pod and MPL. First thing I noticed is that electric charge readout went to NaN. Then I went up to get one of the kerbals off the command pod and when I used right click to see the screen for the command pod, it came up, but none of the buttons worked. I couldn’t select anyone’s inventory or transfer crew.
In the spirit of KSP, I came up with plan B, EVA. I got a Kerbal on EVA, but the second I let go of the command pod and started floating I notice while I could engage my RCS thrusters, I could see them puffing away on the screen, it had no effect on my direction of travel. I just kept floating away. I could make her spin, but that was it. I tried this several times, once I noticed my command pod shaking in the game as I went flying at Mach 9 away the second I stepped out.
I went back to a save and tried to de orbit my ship, I made plans for this, but I noticed that the ships controlls were not working well. Then, I found out, like my Kerbal, I can change my ships orientation, but when I blast my engines full tilt, it has no effect on my orbit.
This kind of ruins the game for me. Kerbins are expensive and hard to replace. Plus I don’t like killing them. I’ve lost a number of games due to technical issues. I’m tired of reloading and starting from the beginning.
I’ve seen some stuff about this, but I didn’t understand it.
Any ideas?