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  1. Hey there, @schlosrat. I'm not sure if I am doing something incorrectly, or if vessel rendezvous isn't working as intended. I have tried a couple of time now and something weird happens once I execute the node. I have two vessels in orbit around Kerbin. One vessel at 150k circularized, and the second vessel at 302km circularized. The second vessel was put into the 300km orbit as Flight Plan suggested. After circularization is achieved, I move into the Hohman Transfer, but no matter what I do, or where I make the node, the intercept points are always across from each other on opposite ends. Not a big deal, I use node controller and tweak the node to where I need it to perform the rendezvous intercept, typically under 5 orbits. After executing with K2D2 and I travel around Kerbin, the intercept points move, like I didn't have them lined up. I create a new node and perform an additional Hohman Transfer, and still get the same results. Outside of doing the node 100% manually, I cannot get the intercept nodes to line up with Flight Plan. I have not had this problem before, but it's been about a month or so since I last played with rendezvous intercepts. If you need anything from me, please let me know and I will get it sent over. This is an awesome mod! ETA (3 Mar 24): not sure if this is a mod problem. Performing the rendezvous completely by hand gave me the same results.
  2. Apologies if this has been posted before, but it would be nice to have the ability to have our AP/PE altitudes shown in meters. Having synchronous orbits set up with only km being shown is hard to ensure they are properly aligned and won't move at different speeds over several in game years.
  3. I agree! I truly enjoy Kerbalism and all its added complexities like radiation or having to plan your science transmission with certain parameters of writing/transmitting speeds from a HDD, ensuring you have enough food, water, oxygen, EVERYTHING. It added a level of gameplay that I truly loved. I understand it's not for everyone, but I'm a glutton for punishment, and I like things as difficult as they can be, lol. I thoroughly enjoy ScanSat for the added measures of mapping biomes and the different requirements of data being collected, even @Nertea Heat Control and SystemHeat mods. I hope a lot of these are configured into the stock game, but if not, I hope they are brought over as mods the KSP2.
  4. And that's done it! Thank you so much for your time and putting the fix together so quickly. Appreciate it!
  5. You assume correctly. I didn't clear Eeloo as the target, but I also tried unselecting and reselecting Eeloo to see if that would force a new tab to display. I did have one instance last night where even though I was out of the Kerbin SOI, FP still showed as within Kerbin SOI. I saved, exited and reopened and all was good with my situation, but was still unable to perform the course correction update. Once getting into orbit of Kerbol, I tried choosing other Celestials and making a transfer burn, but it would never display properly.
  6. Good afternoon. I seem to be having an issue, but am unsure if I am doing something wrong, as I have tried to follow your video a couple of times, the only difference being I chose Eeloo instead of Dres. After launching from Kerbin, I circularize at about 100km, in the FlightPlan app with K2D2. I then choose Eeloo as my target in app and select "Interplanetary Transfer" and create node. Just like your Dres video, the orbit lines do no line up for a perfect SOI grab. Again, I execute the burn and then warp to outside the SOI, and that is when I start having problems. The "Planet2_blue/white_50" image does not change to the "TRM_50_Ship2Celestial", not allowing me to perform the course correction, Hohmann transfers, plane changes, etc. I feel like this is probably my fault, but I am unsure. I used CKAN for installation and only have FlightPlan, K2D2, and Maneuver Node Controller (including all dependencies). I am running the most current version of the game and all apps. Please let me know what information is needed from to assist you in troubleshooting this potential issue. This is an awesome app with what I've been able to use, and I hope to learn what I am doing incorrectly so I can get the most out of this.
  7. Agreed. I loved the node editor in the bottom left Of KSP1. Making changes in interplanetary flight was super easy and at lot more intuitive than this current design.
  8. Having the ability to take-off from runways 27L & 27R instead of only from 09R & 09L. Potentially adding 1 runway running North/South, 36 & 18, respectively. Also having the ability to load-in, in front of the VAB and be able to taxi to our desired runway. Thank you for the teams hard work, I’m having a blast playing 2.
  9. @Caerfinon @OrbitalManeuvers Just to close the loop, this works as expected in my modded version. Thanks again for your help, I really do appreciate it!
  10. @Caerfinon That did it in the clean version. I will check in my modded version and see if the results are the same. It's weird because I have the steam launcher setup to bypass the KSP PD Launcher with a simple %command% code, so I just assumed it would be all good. Thanks for your help!
  11. I don't have a KK folder, or a .png file in the location you listed, so I am unsure what to do with your suggestion. The issue I 'm having is the game does not work with KK installed. No buttons to get into buildings work, even quitting the game to get this log required me to force quit KSP. Pressing Escape, then clicking "Quit to Main Menu" does nothing. Clicking the red X at the top right, brings up the escape menu, but none of the button's work. Clicking the facilities or the runway/launch pad does nothing. I used CKAN to install, as well.
  12. Here is a start https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlCbO5GR6RGwkN0WBjp6VReyM4QF1g?e=ctnGTB This is version 1.12.4, only KK and dependency installed.
  13. Apologies, that's not what I meant. I know which logs you need, I would like to know from which version, or with additional mods installed, or on a clean only install, etc. That's why I said I have no problem giving you 10 logs if that's what you want.
  14. Good Morning, I would like to pre-empt you for what I could be sending upon your advice. KK is not working for me, and I am unsure if it is something I have done or not. I installed KK and its dependencies on a clean install with no other mods and none of the button's work; I couldn't even quit the game and was unable to enter any of the facilities, forcing me to force quit every time. I installed it on v1.12.0, 1.12.1, 1.12.2, 1.12.3, and 1.12.4 each with the same problems. I also installed a couple of times with KSC Extended, KSC Harbor, Kerbin Side Remastered, etc. all with the same problem and not showing the harbor, nor the KSC extended. Since I had multiple problems across multiple versions and other mods, I would like to know which logs you would like to see. I have no problem puling 10 logs if you would like, so you can see exactly what is going on. CKAN was used every instance of the installs. I just want to make sure I get exactly what you need. Any help is appreciated, this is such an awesome mod!
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