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Everything posted by TheXGamer449

  1. When in Steam hover your mouse over the KSP selection tab and right click it. In the pop-up box that shows, select "Properties". Once done, go to the "Betas" tab. In there, select the beta that you want. (This being 1.9.1) Sometimes older mods do work on newer versions of the game. Take SpaceY Heavy Lifters pack for example. It was made for 1.3, yet I use it in version 1.9 and it works just fine.
  2. I was playing KSP and it was like any other day. Just me trying to mod the game. Then, I download I think it was AirPlanePlus that was revived for version 1.9.1 and I loaded the game up. After that, this was what I saw in the VAB when I went to make a rocket: No command pods. NONE! AT ALL! Not even modded command pods were there. I have no idea what could've caused this. I use the 64Bit Steam version of KSP and this is the list of mods I have installed in my GameData directory: 000_ClickThroughBlocker 000_USITools 001_ToolbarControl B9PartSwitch CommunityResourcePack CommunityTechTree DynamicBatteryStorage Firespitter FSHangarExtender (Revived for 1.9) OPT OPT_Reconfig (For 1.9) PatchManager SpaceY-Extended SpaceY-Lifters TweakScale 999_Scale_Redist ModuleManager.4.1.3 (I did have the NearFutureTechnologies pack also, but I took all of that out) And this is what it looks like in the VAB: (For some reason the NearFuture Electrical and Thermal control panel is still there, any idea why that happened?) I thought that since nobody else has had this problem that the official forums could help me out.
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