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  1. I have found the answer by myself.... (reinstall 1.4.1 version) Actually, I'm trying to create animations and I have another problem particularly with a bone. I can't move it between hip and spine, as 'pelvis' bone is missing (on ver.1.4.1) An idea? screenshot: https://prnt.sc/tcwp0o thx
  2. Hi! Great job! I Like this mod and your work in general (I'm using some of your mods), but the bone hierarchy & manipulation windows not appears on the screen when I click on it. The animation window and animation shortcuts are running. Im using the curently 1.8.1 version of the game for some other features. So, should I use 1.4 version only? THX P.S.: Im newbie here... screenshot: https://prnt.sc/tc972q
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