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Minmus Taster

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Everything posted by Minmus Taster

  1. I should have some decent designs very soon i will probably have something down by the next day
  2. Should i wait till part two of the movie is out or should i just read the book?
  4. (I've never read the book) The ending was shocking!
  5. The official KSP Wiki says Kerbals do not have eyelids but in the KSP2 cinematic trailer I spotted a quite few blinking many times but none in game are seen blinking so i dunno really but here is the trailer for those of you who are curious:
  6. Clever! Its gonna be hard to put one into orbit by the end of the month how about we just put it into and orbit where it can always be viewed from Kerbin and then think about putting it in orbit! We could attach a massive orbitaly constructed engine and send missions to refuel it until it's constantly viewable from Kerbin then we can plan the final orbital insertion burn! I might be able to provide you with concepts
  7. I would segust minmus easier to land on with a low amount deltaV required to land. Also it's good to practice getting to objects with inclined orbits minmus has and inclined orbit and its close by so it's worth a trip a least sometime early in the game. Plus in my opinion it's the best out of the two moons for just being a silly interesting place to visit
  8. Who here watched matt lowne? If you do than you might have heard about his series Life on Laythe which he just rebooted today So i figured i'd start a small thread where people can talk about how they feel about the return of the series
  9. I think so. they probably have much more resources than asteroids to However they are much harder to get to and i don't think ANYBODY has been able to redirect them(Without cheats of course!).
  10. I used the mission builder to put a large comet in a low Jool orbit then i attached a ship with around 1400 MS of deltaV and i only had 20 after connection with the comet. ButJool looked awsome from there!
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