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Everything posted by steve9728

  1. And we have the first launch for 2022: Shiyan(实验,experience)-13 satellites successfully launched by CZ-2D rocket at Taiyuan launch site. http://www.news.cn/politics/2022-01/17/c_1128269841.htm The mission badge this time is the right way how to do it festively without paint a red rocket
  2. Wang Yaping became the first Chinese female astronaut to spend more than 100 days in orbit. With the previous Shenzhou-10 mission, Wang Yaping has accumulated more than 100 days in space. http://www.news.cn/politics/2022-01/15/c_1128266082.htm Congratulations, Ms. Wang!
  3. Translate a short paragraph from the zhuanlan.zhihu: ... Because we are not going to go to the moon for the sake of just going to the moon, we are going to go the moon with the idea of sustainability. This is an intergral landing and integral take-off lunar lander with a symmetrical layout, which means that it no longer divides the lander from the ascender, but combines the two into one. For what purpose? Wouldn't a separate lander allow for a lighter take-off weight? Why not separate them? This is because the integral take-off and integral landing is intended to make the lunar lander reusable, which would further reduce the cost of permanent operation of a manned lunar project, something that is fundamentally different from the record-breaking Apollo manned lunar landings. Can I understand that if the technology allows for this and a small space station core module is launched on top of this to dock with it, then we would have a lunar space station? Chinese version Artemis, here we go again
  4. I think they found something that could be improved or something strange when they tested the Yutu lunar rover in their lab on Earth compared to the lunar surface. It's also possible that the former lab was enlarged a little more to facilitate the training of astronauts for the manned moon landing. Mun or bust!
  5. I noticed something I missed: China's FAST telescope detects over 500 new pulsars. http://www.news.cn/english/2021-12/15/c_1310374403.htm False Twinkle Twinkle Little Star: a children's song The real one:
  6. Ah bomber, insert a joke: In 2017 an old Russian pilot instructor who had taught the PLAAF came to China and visited the same unit he had taught and came to say: Ah, I don't suppose you guys use Tu-16 anymore? PLAAF & Chinese military fans: Considering that the US Secretary of Defense's last visit to China coincided with the first flight of the J-20. At that time that guy thought that China's five-generation fighter would not be exist for 10 years. For the sake of the new bomber can lauch sooner, I think its necessary to invite the US Secretary of Defence to visit China again
  7. Although I really do want to visit here but... this is crime to paint those thing on Buran in every sense of the word I think...
  8. Not quite, on the one hand you are right. On the other hand, I think somehow I found the "Ship of Theseus" modernisation improvements version. Ship of Theseus Block II
  9. When I look back the Chinese helicopter, Z-8, I found something "Ship of Theseus" like: PLA introduced and began to copy it from France in the 1970s. It also helped the PLA salvage missile data bins during the 1980 ICBM experiments. The question is: when an aircrft has redesigned engines, redesigned fueslage structure, redesigned construction materials, redesigned flight controls and instrumentation, is it still the same aircraft? Thanks to those redesigns, it has gone from a maximum lift 3150m to gaining the ability to start its engines and fly over the highlands at altitudes of 4000m to 5000m. And ability to stay on a permanent basis in the highlands. Before: After: And it fly to Everest Base camp:
  10. Yutu-II lunar rover exceed 1 km of travel distance. And now we got the clear image of the 'small house' shaped object found last month: Yep, just a common rock http://finance.people.com.cn/n1/2022/0108/c1004-32326751.html
  11. Yeah, it's too werid: the 'smell' is familiar, but the change from peace to violence was too quick. Banning liquor is a good idea
  12. I was watching videos from the Internet about the riot in Kazakhstan and I noticed something particularly familiar: at certain distance in the crowd there always someone wearing a Red Jacket. And distance between each guy in the Red Jacket is approximately the same. All I can say is that some 'organization' and people have never been innovative in their script of "making something happen" In the end I hope everything can early pacification and return to peace.
  13. Yep, it is the long one and you can think it as the "Chinese version Canadarm". But actually both two new module also prepared the "Chinese version Lyappa Arm". And Tianhe core module was already prepared two docking point. Fast forward to 10:33, the thing on the front of Nie Haisheng is it. Must to say, CNSA really is the good student
  14. The Tianhe space station completed a position switching experiment on the Tianzhou-2 cargo ship via robotic arm. http://www.news.cn/tech/2022-01/06/c_1128236200.htm I think this should be the back-up measure to the 'Lyappa Arm' that was copied from the Soviet for both new module will be launch this year.
  15. Well what I really don't want to see is a protest that turns into a violent demonstration and ends up in civil war and turns into another 'proxy war' again in any country. Not for any political reasons, but simply from a humanitarian point of view. That's my "properly"
  16. Oh damn. Meanwhile the Chinese media Global Time's title reporting this: Is it the "color revolution"?https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/4uFk47_rdIsdKPOcycrgDQ I believe that the Central Asian countries and Russia with their experience of handling similar incidents, will be able to handle it properly?
  17. The Trouble with Happiness: "The number of flight control halls is almost running out of numbers", said by engineer from the Xi'an Satellite Measurement and Control Centre. When the Shenzhou 13 maaned spaceship successfully docked with Tianhe, the same group of engineers immediately transferred to another hall to carry out an orbital control mission for another satellite. Next door to the Shenzhou 13 mission control hall, another group of scientists are conducting in-orbit tests on the Xihe solar exploration satellite; meanwhile in rest of the hall, scientists and engineers are also preparing for a all-region combined practice for the Practice-21 satellite mission. http://www.news.cn/mil/2022-01/05/c_1211517834.htm So if CNSA really want to achieve what they plan for 2045, there still a lot of things to do
  18. Saw a picture in Zhihu NASA: hey bro, how's the analytical data on lunar soil? CASIC: It can't grow vegetables NASA: Nah bro, it is lunar soil! There should be a lot of rare elements and minerals right? CASIC: But it can't grow vegetables Chinese people, especially retired elders, are often able to start a small vegetable patch in places people would never have thought of. Comments in the Zhihu's comments section: My three-year-old son who doesn't know what space is, when he hears this news on TV: Wasn't the soil dug for nothing?
  19. Oh wait... I found the something about YF-130. Because it is a pure Chinese video without subtitles I won't post it here. The video shows CCTV went to the CNSA Fifth Research Institue and filming the "full working conditions semi-systematic test run" for 5 seconds of the YF-130 engine: fuel ingection but no ignition. Well if you really want to watch... here it is: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1VK4y1G7K2?from=search&seid=14739954875701782702&spm_id_from=333.337.0.0 Fast forward to 06:34
  20. CZ-9's engine I only got the test-fired news about third and second stage engine. Adding a recnt news about I believe it is the CZ-9 rocket third stage engine YF-79: 'Heavy rocket' 25-tonne expansion cycle hydrogen-oxygen engine undergoes first thrust chamber extrusion test. https://user.observersnews.com/main/content?id=660748
  21. What people think or imagine about something often depends on their what they have seen and their own level of knowledge. For example, look at the computer or a prop with 'mobile phone' function in science fiction movie 20 years ago or more. The first and second picures about CNSA twitter... I don't know about you guys. But I feel a bit like the Terror Drone from the Red Alert Reusable CZ-9 bit of scary though. Because this rocket is positioned simarly to the Saturn V or Ares V. If that thing can reusable, it really is the breathtaking thing, physically. Actually is the reusable CZ-8: CZ-7rocket - two boosters= CZ-8. And as mentioned before, the Tengyun project also can help us to do what CNSA planning for at 2045. CZ-7 rocket: CZ-8 rocket: and what they planning for:
  22. And objective cultural and logical differences between East and West: both sides accuse each other based on their own pre-existing perceptions, leading to situations like this where the two sides are simply not on the same page to commnuicate (or yelling) for decades.
  23. Although I appreciate the idea of putting machine guns on the space station. But I would like to share a link: China's first production line with an annual production capacity of 240 small satellites goes into operation.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuTXKmg559c "To defeat magic with magic"
  24. Although I can understand to some extend what the articel is trying to say, but its logic... Well it's still the American bandit logic as always: you almost rear-ended me twice and I dodged, and it was all my fault and you're not responsible for it? Also, I will be "threat to international order" if I cmplain on it? "Does reliance on the provision intended specifically to protect astronauts signal that the Chinese are truly only concerned about human life?" Oh now you don't mumbling something "human right" ? I checked the records of Starlink-1095 and Starlink-2305: 1095 back to Earth on 20 Sep. 2021, did it unintentionally enter orbit in Tianhe's orbit when it back to Earth? I doubt it: it maintained a continuous orbital altitude of 382 km between 24 June and 1 July (the first dodge was happened at 1 July); 2305 was even stranger: it is now back in orbit at 552 perigee and 555 km apogee. Did it enter the Tianhe's orbit unintntionally because of the launch process? No it was launched on 24 March 2021. In fact, it's all the matter of international space orbit resource allocation. It is time for internaional collaboration and at least to sign an internationally recognised something "Space Traffic Act". I know my words above may be "nationalist". But in fact, if you give anyone inside of China to read this article. My reaction above should be the natural reaction of most people. The aviation machine guns? HP-23航空机炮, HP-23 aviation machine guns, HP stands for háng pào, the Chinese abbreviation for avation machine guns. We are not in the habit of giving nicknames to such "small weapone"
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