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Everything posted by Kamiei

  1. Hey, I will be glad to help texture or cfg edit. I could model, too, if you would like. Send me a PM if you want me to help you, and I will (99.9~%) reply positively.
  2. Hey, about your mod packs, will this work even without the C7 pack? (0.15 has it already)
  3. I could take soldier (even though my voice is a little quirky): Dark Brown hair, Blue eyes. Has a quirky voice, but is somewhat brave and quite a bit strong, not to mention he\'s 49 cm tall.
  4. Then no wonder my screen gets all jerky and I end up with MML (Manual Munar Landing). That is pretty weird though, and I never thought of it that way, the Mun being so small and still having a magnetic field to affect the navball in a mind-confusing way.
  5. I can change the fins to only RCS if people would like. Foxpollo 13 may or may not have a failure, depending if you simulate it or it actually, happens. We\'ll see.
  6. The Foxpollo Series was invented and approved by Jebediah Kerman when he discovered Minmus on his seventh munar orbit. Basically, I got this idea because of Minmus, and so I went on and made the first two three rockets that actually qualified as Foxpollo rockets by \'Skyrix-MOAR BOOSTEZ\' policy. Foxpollo 11 was the first rocket and official start to the Foxpollo program. The staging consists of: [li]Launch[/li] [li]Orbital[/li] [li]Munar Descent[/li] [li]Ascent/Return[/li] There was no RCS, because the rocket seemed stable enough. It was used many times, and for sure could reach the Mun, as that was Foxpollo 11\'s only goal and target. Foxpollo 12 is actually one of the most historic rockets in Foxpollo history (so far). It was fine-tuned from using different winglets and engines on the upper stages. The staging consists of: [li]Launch[/li] [li]Orbital[/li] [li]Minmar Descent[/li] [li]Ascent/Return[/li] This rocket was also fitted with increased technology, including RCS and better winglets. Foxpollo 12 went down in (my) Kerbal history as 'First Rocket to Reach Minmus in One Go'. It could also reach the Mun, but with excessive fuel, as Foxpollo 12 (unlike Foxpollo 11) was fitted with enough fuel to fly to Minmus and back with spare fuel. Foxpollo 13 was an experimental rocket that was built with new parts that were better than before. It was fit with a larger landing stage to cope with possibly deploying small segments of a Munbase/Minmusbase. The staging consists of: [li]Launch[/li] [li]Orbital[/li] [li]Munar/Minmar Descent[/li] [li]Ascent/Return[/li] While Foxpollo 13 seems to have flown into the skies, it has not taken off yet, due to \'Kerbol Flares\'. That is why it is known as an experimental. Yet, due to computerized model tests, Foxpollo 13 seems to be a good flyer. Remember: Most of the time, Mechjeb is the most recommended thing you use to fly with. (Unless you are a kerbal expert) Download here: http://www./?b6j8vbqvm16rioq
  7. I flew and did a slingshot trajectory to minmus from the mun. Once I arrived at minmus, i realized that i forgot the landing legs. I was nearly out of fuel (1/8 tank), and was on a sub-orbital (landing) trajectory already. So I decided to land, and was able to land at 1.2 m/s. But the engine and fuel tank exploded and I got my favorite lander stuck on a moon orbiting at 43,000,000-46,000,000m from kerbin.
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